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Protesters pelt police with rotten eggs and pig dung in front of the Cabinet-level Department of Health August 21, 2007, in Taipei.

Protesters from the World Wide Fund For Nature dressed as chefs for a demonstration outside the European Union Council where EU fisheries ministers discussed fishing quotas in Brussels. 比利时布鲁塞尔。楼内,欧盟理事会欧盟渔业部长们在讨论捕捞配额的问题;楼外,来自世界自然基金会的抗议者们打扮成厨师的样子,集会示威。
Protesters gather across Iraq to denounce the recent parliamentary elections, calling them rigged in favor of the country's main religious Shiite coalition. 在伊拉克,抗议者集会指责最近的议会选举,称他们操纵选举,偏向国家的主要教派什叶派.
Protesters have breached barricades outside the G20 summit venue, overturning up to 200 water-filled plastic barriers in the first direct test of police security measures. 抗议者们将警察保安设施第一道防线内的近200个注满水的塑料障碍物推翻,从而突破了二十国集团峰会会场外围的路障。
Protesters have held large demonstrations at recent World Bank meetings. 抗议者们在最近的世界银行会议期间举行大规模游行。
Protesters in Poland disrupted Clinton's speech. 波兰的抗议者干扰了 克林顿的演说.
Protesters pelt police with rotten eggs and pig dung in front of the Cabinet-level Department of Health August 21, 2007, in Taipei. 八月二十一日抗议者向卫生署丢掷臭鸡蛋与猪粪。
Protesters shouted, Give back my Zhengzhou University diploma! 抗议者高呼,“还我郑州大学文凭!”
Protesters then marched along Swanston St towards the State Library, chanting Who's streets? Our streetsand You can't run, you can't hide. G20 sponsors genocide. 接着,抗议者们一边喊着“谁的街道?我们的街道。”以及“你不能跑,你不能藏。二十国集团支持种族灭绝”的口号,一边沿着天鹅屯大街向国家图书馆(theStateLibrary)进发。
Protesters vowed to hold commemorative activities until Beijing's verdict vindicating the crackdown was overturned. 示威者誓言除非中国政府平反六四,否则一直都会举行悼念活动。
Protesters, including some leftist parliamentarians, chanted Peace Now!,Troops Out of Iraq!and Italy hates war. 包括一些左翼国会议员的反对者高呼,“我们现在要和平!”“从伊拉克撤军!”“意大利讨厌战争。”
Protesting against the corruption and the despotism he had seen in Chungking, Kao angrily burst out: You may find the Three People's Principles on a wall or in a bookstore, but not among the people. 他对陈诚气忿地说:“你们这里,三民主义只是写在墙上和在书店里卖,就是不在人民中间实行。

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