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All soft furniture is covered in fireproof fabric.

All slain enemies will be cremated, or at least have several rounds ofammunition emptied into them, not left for dead at the bottom of the cliff.The announcement of their deaths, as well as any accompanying celebration,will be deferred until after the afo 所有被宰掉的敌人都将被火葬,至少要对尸体扫射很多轮子弹,而不是让他们死在悬涯底下就算了.所有对他们死讯的公布,以及接下来的庆祝活动,都将在上述措施执行后才进行.
All small ambient buildings will now display on the minimap while garrisoned or controlled. 所有的小型民用建筑在被占领或者控制时会在小地图上显示。
All smokers were willing to give up smoking. 所有吸烟者都愿意戒烟。
All societies are constructions in the face of chaos. 所有的社会都是在面对混乱中建构的。
All society and departments should participate in soil and water conservation, and soil conservation departments must make best efforts in professional administration. 全社会、多部门参与水土保持,水土保持部门应做好行业归口管理。
All soft furniture is covered in fireproof fabric. 所有的软家具都罩上了防火布。
All solar systems revolve around your universal 12th dimensional universal sun and in so doing, create an 18 - year cycle that Earth was once a part of. 所有的太阳系围绕你们第12密度的银河太阳旋转,这样,就创造了一个地球曾是其中一部分的18年周期。
All solder powders that are used for our paste manufacturing are made under inert atmosphere and under tight quality control program. 我们制造焊膏所使用的焊锡粉是在惰性气体和严格质量控制之下制成的。
All solid-state transponders are under development with output power level lower by some 20-30 dB in the 4-6GHz band. 正在研制的全固态转发器在4-6千兆赫频段中的输出功率电平约低20-30分贝.
All songs of Jay Zhou were very prevail near these years! 这几年周杰伦的歌曲在年轻人中特别流行。
All sorts of assets accepted by the State-owned enterprise, upon the liquidation or dissolution of the joint venture enterprise, as a gift or left behind for the State-owned enterprise to use them further gratuitously. (四)企业清算或者解散时,国有企业方接受赠与或者无偿留给国企业方继续使用的各项资产。

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