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It goes without saying,the second word is easier to memorize than the first one.

It goes without saying, animals cann't live without water. 不用说,动物没有水是无法生存的。
It goes without saying, animals cannot live without water. 不用说,动物没有水是无法生存的。
It goes without saying, that you had kissed goodbye to that money. 不用说,你的钱是要不回了。
It goes without saying, then, that the organism and even more, the self can not be adequately understood apart from the particular social context in which the shaped. 无容置言地,有机体与自我是特定的社会脉络构成,舍此,它们就无法被充分地了解。
It goes without saying,the second word form is more easyly to remember than the first one. 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆.
It goes without saying,the second word is easier to memorize than the first one. 不用说,第二个词表比第一个词表更容易记忆.
It got about 50 miles to the gallon, and its carbon dioxide emissions were just over half those of an average car. 每一公升的汽油可让这款车行驶约20公里,且二氧化碳的排放量仅为一般车辆的一半出头。
It got dark, and what was worse/to make matters worse, it began to rain. 天黑了,更糟糕的是天还开始下雨了。
It got overcast with occasional shower. 天气已经变为阴天,并伴有阵雨。
It got rather personal a few years ago, with references to evolution by creeps and evolution by jerks. 几年前,争论愈发具有针对性,变为匍匐式进化同跳跃式进化之争。
It got that much only because the bank was a basket case. 花旗能在此役大胜完全归因广发行没多大价值。

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