It is heard that except the general brand of “Uni-Commerce” in the field of fixed and digital business, China Unicom will also develop two brands named as “Service on Demand” and “Uni” in its fixed digital business.
据悉,除了“中国联通商务”这个固定与数据业务的总品牌外,中国联通还将推出“有求必应”和“中国联通无限”两个固定数据业务品牌。 |
It is heartening to interpret the relaxed official attitude to Danone's sale as an indication that French politicians, led by their new president, Nicolas Sarkozy, are moving away from knee-jerk nationalism whenever a foreigner wants to buy a French compa
将官方对达能售卖业务一事的宽松态度解读成一种迹象,即以新总统尼古拉?萨科齐为首的法国政治人物正在摒弃外商有意收购法国公司时频频触发的本能的民族主义情绪,这令人振奋。 |
It is heartening to know that certain Muslim leaders, who had been foes and staunch critics of America, have joined the world to assist America to hunt down the perpetrators of the New York disasters and other terrorists-in-waiting.
一些视美国为敌人,长期批评美国的回教领袖,已经和其他国家联手,协助美国缉拿纽约惨剧的凶手,这点让人感到非常鼓舞。 |
It is heat-resistant, durable, has high degree of adapting capacity, sound-proof, anti-frosting and able to reduce the radiation of the sun.
具有很强的隔热性、耐久性和适应性的采光节能防噪声功能、防结霜,降低阳光辐射等功能。 |
It is held from August 6 to 8, which is closer to the traditional date on the lunar calendar.
它于8月6日至8日举行,更靠近传统的农历日期。 |
It is held in this paper that the disadvantageous position of young females in the information-related fields exerts a negative influence both on the development of females as a whole and on the growth of information technology.
青年女性在信息技术领域的弱势地位,不仅对女性群体的发展带来了极大的消极影响,而且对信息技术的发展也是极其不利的。 |
It is held that Heiger error lies in absolutes in terms of unity of the opposites, the error of the old teaching materials is absoiutes of two extremes opposites, especially the absoiutes in terms of opposites between the idealism and the materialism, but
摘要本文认为,黑格尔的错误是把对立面统一绝对化,旧教材的错误则是把两极对立绝对化,特别是把唯心论和唯物论的对立绝对化了,殊不知阶级社会源于“心物”对立或脑体分工,把“心物”对立绝对化就是使阶级社会永恒化。 |
It is held that drink and petting are the gateways to joy, so people get drunk quickly, and try not to notice how much their partners disgust them.
饮料和狎习,公认是欢乐的大门,所以人们赶快喝,并且竭力不去注意同伴们怎样的可厌。 |
It is held that the contact polarization curve method, being an exploration technique characterized jointly by immediacy, long distance and totality, is especially suitable for conductive sulfide ore deposits.
认为接触极化曲线法特别适合导电性硫化矿床,是同时兼具直接性、远程性和总体性三者的勘查技术。 |
It is held that the fixed point source sounding method is superior to the traditional electrical sounding methods in such aspects as the determination of the central buried depth, geometric shape, and mode of occurrence of the ore body.
结合固定点源测深法与常规电测深法(对称四极测深、温纳测深)在某铅锌矿区的对比应用研究成果,归纳分析了3种不同电测深法的各自应用效果,认为在确定矿体的中心埋深、几何形态、赋存状态等方面固定点源测深法优于常规电测深法。 |
It is held that to improve the awareness of environmental protection of the nation, intensify the sense of public environmental safety, develop new circular-economy-based types of industries, build up economic operation models capable of guarantee environ
认为提高全民环境保护意识,强化公共环境安全观念,走循环经济的新型工业化道路,构建保障环境安全的经济运行模式,强化环境与发展综合决策机制,建立环境安全监控管理体系,完善环境政策法律体系,加强环境保护法制化进程,引入市场竞争机制,建立多元化环境保护投入体系以及加强环境科学技术研究是强化环境安全、确保可持续发展的主要措施。 |