Page 4: It was a house that filled the hollow trunk of an enormous tree. The house seemed to be deserted, but there was a lot of food on hand.
这是一个巨大的树的树洞的房子。看起来像荒废了,不过里面有好多食物。 |
Page 53: Keep your hands off my wife!he bristled angrily.
“把你脏手从我妻子身上拿开!”他气得周身毛发倒竖。 |
Page 54: Gradually, they were overwhelmed by the onslaught of soldiers. Escape over a cliff was their only way out.
渐渐他们承受不住士兵们的冲击了。唯一的退路是一道悬崖。 |
Page 55: Even though Mononoke was injured, he continued protecting her.
尽管猫怪受伤了,仍一心一意保护女孩。 |
Page 5: He started to eat ravenously. Then, suddenly, the soldier got a spooky feeling.
士兵开始大嚼,突然感觉到身边仿佛有幽灵。 |
Page 60: She now knew his sad tale.
现在她知道了他悲哀的故事。 |
Page 63: Step aside,she commanded. The duke's daughter has returned from the clutches of Mononoke.The soldiers obeyed her authority without question.
“退下”,她命令道。“城主的女儿从怪物那里回来了。”士兵们毫无疑问地信服了公主的权威。 |
Page 64: The instant Mononoke awoke, he knew she was gone.
猫怪一睡醒就发觉女孩离开了。 |
Page 65: He raced to the village.
他疾速赶往村庄。 |
Page 67: He leapt over the castle gate and continued in a straight shot, oblivious of the soldiers.
他跳过城门,一路狂奔完全忽视了士兵们的存在。 |
Page 68: Inside the castle, she moved swiftly to face her father. Nothing in her former home was familiar to her.
在城堡里,她迅速寻找着父亲。从前的屋子没有一处让她熟悉的了。 |