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Korea's obsession with “well-being” means it is becoming almost trendy.

Korea lies to the east of China. 朝鲜位于中国东面.
Korea lies to the west of Japan. 朝鲜位于日本西边。
Korea stands as a peninsula, sticking out into the ocean along the Pacific rim. 韩国位于一个半岛上,伸入到太平洋边沿的海洋里。
Korea was also helped by a restructuring of its short-term bank debt by foreign banks. 而韩国则让外国银行出面,帮助它重组短期银行债务。
Korea's army of Tae Kwon Do children. 韩国的跆拳道少年队。
Korea's obsession with “well-being” means it is becoming almost trendy. 韩国对康乐的热衷,意味着素食正逐渐成为趋势。
Korea's practical learning is a progressive ideological trend in the late Yi Dynasty. 摘要朝鲜实学是朝鲜李朝后期在特定历史背景下产生的一种进步社会思潮。
Korea's voluntary Energy Saving Office Equipment &Home Electronics Program and Japan's Top Runner program shouldn't be ignored either. 韩国志愿性的节能办公设备和家电计划以及日本的“头名赛跑者”规划也不应被忽略。
Korea, I twisted my leg while working. it was winter and that worsen the condition of my leg. 有一次船停泊在韩国时,扭伤脚又正好遇上大风雪,因此染上寒痹性风湿。
Korean Air 1234 : Please say runway and brake situation. 大韩1234:请指示目前跑道状况.
Korean Customer: Hi! Jill, Good day! How are you today? 韩国客户:嗨!吉儿,日安!!今天好吗?

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