The overall process of constructing a hydropower project is the sub-period of controlling and leading flood.
摘要水电水利工程建设的总过程就是分时段对水流进行控制和疏导的过程。 |
The overall process that occurs when an application opens a disk file is complicated almost beyond belief.
当一个应用打开一个磁盘文件的时候,执行的全部过程是几乎令人难以置信的复杂。 |
The overall project deliverable has been partitioned into prioritized subsystems, each with clean interfaces.
整个可交付的项目被细分为区分优先级的子系统,每个子系统都有清楚的接口。 |
The overall quality of the contingent of rural grassroots cadres has improved significantly.
农村基层干部队伍的整体素质明显提高。 |
The overall rating of a vehicle affects the total premium charged.
一辆车辆的总评等影响了总保险费的收费。 |
The overall result is that no categorical statements can be made.
整体结论是,我们无法下明确的断言。 |
The overall result, they surmise, has been a mild stimulus to growth in the recipient countries, but without a measurable effect on poverty: it is better-off, urban families that tend to send someone abroad, and then reap the benefits.
他们推测总体的结果会给汇款流入国家的(经济)增长带来温和的刺激,但对财富没有显著的效果:富裕的、城镇家庭更倾向于把某人送到国外,然后坐等收益。 |
The overall risk for autism is said to be small .
孤独症的整体患病率较低。 |
The overall risk for autism is said to be small.
总体的患上孤独症可能性据说是很小的。 |
The overall risk of hypoglycaemia was comparable, whereas the risks of both severe and nocturnal hypoglycaemia were significantly lower with insulin detemir.
低血糖总体风险有可比性,地特胰岛素发生严重夜间低血糖的风险明显更低。 |
The overall rule that regulates this process is deceptively simple: neurons that fire together wire together.
规範这个过程的整体法则简单得令人起疑:一起激发的神经元,会串连成一气。 |