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Art and Science Overlapping and Fusion——Discusses Both from the Scientific Method in the Artistic Design Application the Relations;

Repair of bone defect with composite graft of heterologous bone matrix gelatin and autologous red bone marrow; 异种骨基质明胶复合自体红骨髓治疗骨缺损的实验结果观察
Animal model for heterologous transplantation-generating of transgenic mice that expresses hCD59 cDNA; 异种肝移植模型-转人CD59蛋白基因小鼠的建立
Relationship of Homocysteine and Folic with Depression Abstract; 抑郁症患者血液同型半胱氨酸和叶酸水平的研究
Distribution and clinical characteristics of TCM syndromes in depressive insomnia; 抑郁障碍相关性失眠的临床特点及中医证候分布情况初步研究
The application of allograft interbody fusion cage to anterior cervical spine interbody fusion; 异体骨椎间融合器在颈椎前路融合术中的应用价值
Art and Science Overlapping and Fusion——Discusses Both from the Scientific Method in the Artistic Design Application the Relations; 艺术与科学的交叉和融合──从科学方法在艺术设计中的应用谈两者的关系
Effects of acidity and pore structure of catalysts on the activity and product distribution in cumene disproportionation; 异丙苯歧化反应中催化剂酸性和孔结构作用分析
A kind of pure natural tea of apricot kernel with milk which is rich in nutrients and heath function is developed and produced from apricot kernel and tea as the main material. 以杏仁和茶叶为原料,研制出具有保健功效的纯天然营养杏仁奶茶,并介绍其生产工艺。
The microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) technology of skin-lightning agent in Rhizoma Typhonii was studied and the relative inhibitory activity of the extract against tyrosinase was used as evaluating criterion. 以提取物对酪氨酸酶的相对抑制率为评价标准 ,进行了白附子美白成分的微波辅助提取工艺研究。
Study on Employees Stressors and the Influential Factors in the Small Enterprises of West China; 以前众多研究发现,企业员工不良心理问题的出现与其面临的应激源和应对方式以及社会支持有很大的关系,因此本研究选取了“应激”这个核心因素对西部小企业员工这一特殊的群体进行了调查分析。
With Platycodon root as experiment material, on the base of single factor experiments (extraction time, extraction temperature and so on), then through the experimental design of response surface methology, the conditions of extraction are studied. 以桔梗为实验材料,在提取温度、提取时间、料液比等单因素实验的基础上,利用响应曲面实验设计法对桔梗皂甙提取条件进行研究,并通过回归方程和响应曲面,得到了最佳提取工艺。

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