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When you fall in love with someone, you tend to fall hard.

When you experience joy, fear or relaxation, the immune system will increase or decrease the growth of disease-fighting cells, and help you to fight off the flu, or even cancer. 当你兴奋、恐惧或者轻松时,免疫系统会增加或减少抵抗疾病的细胞的生成,从而帮助你抵抗流感,甚至癌症。
When you export a resource, higher taxes will give you more money short term (100% taxes will give you the whole export value), but over time the high taxes will lower the resource growth, so adjust carefully. 当出口时,高税率短期内给你带来更多的收入(100%税率使你获得全部的出口价值),但高税率将逐渐降低这个部门的生产增长率,所以要小心调整.
When you extend a helping hand to one person, be careful not to kick someone else in the teeth. 当你帮助一个人时,小心不要伤害到另一个人。
When you face a brand new day. 当你面对崭新的一天?
When you fall in love all your senses come alive, making you uniquely aware of the world and of your own emotions. 一旦堕入情网,你的所有感官都活跃起来,让你独特地感受着眼前这缤纷的世界,感受着自己内心那丰富的情感。
When you fall in love with someone, you tend to fall hard. 『提问十二』当你爱上某人,你会珍惜并深深坠入爱河。
When you fall short of your aim,perhaps you can say to yourself,”Yes,but look at what I found along the way! 如果你的目标没有实现,也许你可以对自己说:“是的,我的目标没有实现,但瞧瞧我在这过程中的收获!
When you fantasize, it's always about the man who's already in your life. 当你胡思乱想时,你想的总是已经进入你生活的那个男人。
When you fantasize, it's always about the man who's already in your life. Well, almost always. 当你胡思乱想时,你想的总是已经进入你生活的那个男人。或者说,差不多总是。
When you feed sad, count your blessings. 当你把泪往肚里吞时,算一下你拥有的福气。
When you feel alone and in need,let God care for you .God is the greatest caregiver there is. 人们需要倾诉他们的故事,才能与生命中的变化和解。同样的故事你也许听过许多遍,请保持耐心,这是疗伤抚慰他人情感的良方。

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