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Scientists who have won a Nobel prize live nearly two years longer than those who were merely nominated, suggesting that social status confers health-giving magic,British researchers said.

Scientists use Neptune's fishing spear, the trident, as the sign for the planet. 科学家们用尼普顿的鱼叉——三叉戟——作为这个行星的标志。
Scientists use observation and experimentation to develop a correct description of the natural world. 科学家们运用观察和实验,对自然界作出正确的描述。
Scientists warn of a growing industry that is producing illegal copies of the anti-malaria drug artesunate. 科学家警告工业逐渐生产非法抗疟疾药的复制品。
Scientists warn that kangs waste fuel, pollute the atmosphere and endanger the health of farm families by releasing carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases indoors. 科学家们提醒说,炕浪费燃料、污染大气并因为往室内释放一氧化碳和其它有害气体而危及农民们的健康。
Scientists who analyzed studies involving men who had been given the contraceptives in trials found the treatments were highly effective but reversible. 科学家也针对这种新的避孕措施进行了分析研究,发现它不仅高度有效,而且当男性停止服药数月后,其生育能力也可重新恢复。
Scientists who have won a Nobel prize live nearly two years longer than those who were merely nominated, suggesting that social status confers health-giving magic,British researchers said. 英国研究者日前公布,“诺贝尔奖”得主要比那些仅获提名的科学家寿命长将近两年,这表明社会地位能为“健康带来魔力”。
Scientists who pioneer research into why woodpeckers do not get headaches and whether dung beetles like their diet have at last been recognized for their work. 研究啄木鸟为什么不头痛和金龟子是否喜欢吃大粪的科学家们终于得到了肯定。
Scientists who spurn federal cash may do as they please. 对联邦政府资助不屑一顾的科学家们只要愿意,还是会照搞不误。
Scientists who study panspermia used to concentrate only on assessing the basic plausibility of the idea, but they have recently sought to estimate the probability that biological materials made the journey to Earth from other planets or moons. 研究胚种说的科学家过去只集中在评估这个概念原则上是否合理,但他们近来已尝试估算生物体自其他行星或卫星旅行到地球的可能性。
Scientists will probably find many more dwarf planets. 或许,科学家们还会发现更多的矮行星。
Scientists will soon be able to observe the first instants after a nuclear warhead detonates. 科学家不久将能观察到核弹头爆炸的第一瞬间。

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