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Hudson Taylor, “ Do not have your concert first and tune your instruments afterwards. Begin the day with God.

Hubert: Timothy is loading the final catalogue data as we speak, Milord. 休伯特:泰默瑟正在安......也就是我们所说的最后的目录数据,大人。
Hubs are simply forbidden in random networks. 随机网络内绝对不可能会出现集散点。
Hubs can be used, probably around 50, but need a mainframe as the host to open up another can be used. 用集线器也可以,大概50左右,但是需要一台作为主机的,主机要开机,另一台才能用。
Huck found there was a watch lying on the ground. 哈克发现手表掉在了地上。
Huck's confidence in the human race was well-nigh obliterated. 哈克对于人类的信心几乎全部都丧失了。
Hudson Taylor, “ Do not have your concert first and tune your instruments afterwards. Begin the day with God. 戴德生:「不要未调好音调,便开始在音乐会中使用你的乐器演奏。让神与你一同开始新的一天。」
Hudson, Kari. Special District Governments: Examining the Questions of Control.American City &County, 111 (1996): 54 - 71. 特别行政区政府:检视控制问题。〉,刊于《美国城乡》1996年111期:第54~71页。
Hudy-Kuo Chen and Hsing-Pei Kuo, 1993.06, Some Issues in Fuzzy PERT,Proceedings of The First National Symposium on Fuzzy Set and Applications,Hsin-Chu, pp. 36-41. 陈惠国,王中允,1993.10,「非对称性交通量指派模型运算效率提升之研究」,82年电子计算机于土木水利工程应用论文研讨会论文集,页1168-1177。
Huei-Jiunn Chen, David W. P. Wang and Sih-Li Chen*, 2003, Optimization of an Ice Storage Air Conditioning System Using Dynamics Programming Method, ASHRAE Winter Annular Meeting. 谢振杰,刘启炽,陈希立*,2003,太阳能光电之智慧型能量管理系统,中华民国自动控制暨生物机电系统研讨会.
Hues of purplish, rose and amber begin to pulsate in the sky. 淡紫色的、玫瑰色的和琥珀色的色调开始在天空中微微颤动起来。
Huey-Kuo Chen and Chung-Yung Wang (1998.09), Dynamic User-Optimal Route Choice Problem with Link Capacity Side Constraints,presented at the 6th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. 陈惠国、萧淑芸(1998.12),〝利用混合法求解动态用路人最佳化路径选择模型〞,中华民国运输学会第十三届论文研讨会论文集,新竹,801-810页。

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