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To safeguard the information system of mobile communication, it is urgent to make effective, maneuverable and scientific security risk evaluation system.

To run it, open the Control Panel and double-click the Tweak UI icon. 到运行它,打开控制面板和双击捏UI图标.
To sabotage or block roads for construction, cut off water sources or power sources used by power facility projects. 第十九条未经有关部门依照国家有关规定批准,任何单位和个人不得收购电力设施器材。
To sacred Sparta, a king. Our king! 回到了神圣的斯巴达,成为了王,我们的王!
To sacrifice myself to change the world for the betterment of humanity, [to fight] against the evil system of exploitation of men by men, this is my first and last dream. 为改善人类生活、改变这个世界,反对万恶的人剥削人的制度而牺牲自己,是我最初和最终的梦想。
To sae time is to lengthen life. 节约时间就是延长生命。
To safeguard the information system of mobile communication, it is urgent to make effective, maneuverable and scientific security risk evaluation system. 摘要为了保障移动通信信息系统的安全,制定有效的、可操作性的、科学的安全风险评估体系是当务之急。
To safeguard the interests of the JV Company and to maximise financial benefit where possible. 尽可能维护合资公司利益,为公司创造最大财务收益。
To safeguard the specialists' monopolistic claim the non-accessibility of their lore must be institutionally established. 为了维护专业者”垄断的权利,因此其知识的不易取得性必须建立在制度上”。
To safeguard the unity of the motherland is the firm aspiration of the entire Chinese people. 维护祖国统一是全中国人民的坚定意志。
To salute the sun for whom I must make way. “向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。”
To salve these problems, the authors give their proposal: on one hand, to renovate the main street in the ancient town based an the preserving of the Lounge Bridges and other vernacular architectures; an the other hand, to strengthen the construction of i 面对这些问题,笔者提出,一方面在保护古廊桥和其他乡土建筑的基础上,对业已形成的新镇区一条街进行风貌整治:另一方面加强基础设施建设,改善当地居民的居住环境和生活质量,切实有效地发展当地注旅游业,促进经济的繁荣发展。

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