Pakear G,Sea sonal Variation in New South Wales British J,Psychiatry 1982,6:626. |
中文意思: 夏友春,陈德沂,严善明.妄想、抑郁和自杀行为[J].临床精神医学杂志,1994,4(3):199. |
Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark.
15凡有血肉,有气息的活物,都一对一对地到挪亚那里,进入方舟。 |
Pairui Ceramics respects the emperor's life, spreads the royal culture, melts the imperial nobleness and luxury into the modern society, creates epoch's human residence culture, enable the people enjoy the nobleness alone in the residence environment like
派瑞陶瓷崇尚皇家生活,宣扬宫廷文化,将帝王的尊贵和奢华演绎融入现代,缔造新时代的人类居住文明,让世人在宫廷般的居住环境中独享尊贵,品位王者的成功境界。 |
Pairwise sequence alignment methods are concerned with finding the best-matching piecewise (local) or global alignments of protein (amino acid) or DNA (nucleic acid) sequences.
双序列比对方法涉及寻找(局部)最优匹配片断或蛋白质(氨基酸)或DNA(核酸)全局比对。 |
Pak Nai powder, clay, fire-proof material, slag powder processing tanks.
白泥粉,粘土,耐火材料,缸渣粉加工。 |
Pak was born in Fujian Province China in 1977.
1977年生于中国福建,1984年移居香港。 |
Pakear G,Sea sonal Variation in New South Wales British J,Psychiatry 1982,6:626.
夏友春,陈德沂,严善明.妄想、抑郁和自杀行为[J].临床精神医学杂志,1994,4(3):199. |
Pakistan Muzaffargarh Power Plant (1×330MW) Project of the first set of fossil fuel equipment exported overseas.
巴基斯坦木扎伐戈电厂,1×330MW机组,我国第一套出口国外火电设备。 |
Pakistan denies that and has condemned the attacks.
巴基斯坦予以否认并谴责了袭击。 |
Pakistan has also seen more terrorism than usual in recent weeks, with suicide-bombings in Islamabad and Peshawar.
数周来,巴基斯坦也经受了比平常更多的恐怖袭击,如伊斯兰堡和白沙瓦的自杀性炸弹袭击。 |
Pakistan is entering into rainy season, as the monsoon period usually begins from late June to September every summer in the South Asian country.
巴基斯坦正在进入雨季,亚洲国家南部每年夏天的雨季一般都是从从六月初到九月。 |
Pakistan is further handicapped by the fact that it cannot yet develop or deploy any defence against ballistic missiles.
巴基斯坦无力开发或部署任何反弹道导弹装置,对于它糟糕的防空状况可以说是雪上加霜。 |