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I come from a young Country in South America . And we really hope we get to know the Chinese millenarian civilization.

I come from Korea,a country of Asia. 我来自韩国,亚洲的一个国家.
I come from Milan. 我来自米兰。
I come from Shanghai, China. 我来自中国的上海。
I come from United States. 我从美国来。
I come from a worker's family in the city of Shenyang, Liaoning Province. 我来自于辽宁沈阳的一个工人家庭。
I come from a young Country in South America . And we really hope we get to know the Chinese millenarian civilization. 我来自南美洲一个年轻的国度,我们真心希望了解中国的千年文明。
I come from the UK and graduated from Cambridge University in 1992 with a degree is computer science and Management Studies. 1993年毕业于英国剑桥大学,获得了计算机科学的硕士学位。
I come from the beautiful pink clouds south ---- Yunnan. 我来自中国美丽的彩云之南----云南。
I come frome China .Likes movement,sings,reads.Want to had over the sincerity friend,eats ice cream. 我是一个中国女孩,喜欢运动,唱歌,看书,想交一个真心的朋友,一起吃冰激凌.
I come here because it is fun. 我来此是出于乐趣。
I come here especially to visit you. 我是专程来看你的。

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