The crippled son of a powerful nobleman in fourteenth-century England sets out to prove his courage and his right to be recognized by the King.
本书描写一位势力庞大的英国十四世纪贵族,即使有跛腿的残疾,但努力向国王证明他的勇气与被皇家认可的能力。 |
The crisis began in October 2002 when US officials said Pyongyang had privately admitted to pursuing a clandestine nuclear weapons program that violated North Korea's international agreements .
首轮和谈由美国,南北朝鲜,中国,日本和俄罗斯六国于今年的八月在北京举行,目的是为了解决因为朝鲜核计划带来的核危机。 |
The crisis has intensified in recent weeks because Proton's cash is running out.
最近几周危机加剧了,因为宝腾的现金就快花光了。 |
The crisis in the Middle East suddenly brought him to the fore as an expert negotiator.
中东的危机突然使他成为有名的谈判专家。 |
The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.
这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。 |
The crisis set back the entire economy of the capitalist world.
那场经济危机使整个资本主义世界的经济全面衰退。 |
The crisis team will support and advise emergency services and local municipal units in handling the immediate situation and provide information required about materials and activities of STR-SH.
危机队将维持并建议紧急事件服务商和地区市政单位来着手处理紧急状况并提供有关STR-SH放射及材料所必须的信息。 |
The crisis will come, they say, not when the wells go dry, but when world oil production reaches a peak and begins to decline.
他们说,危机并非等到油井乾涸时才出现,而是在全世界的石油产量达到高峰并开始减少时就会来临。 |
The crisis will prod them to act.
那个危机将刺激他们行动。 |
The critcs hated this movie, but we loved it.
影评家们讨厌那部电影,但我们却很喜欢它。 |
The criteria for belonging to the group is to be a good listener , be able to brainstorm ideas, and not give advice!
加入该组织的条件是:能耐心倾听,能让大伙儿各抒己见,但不给劝告。 |