Signs of this behavioral revolution are visible in the archaeological record, which shows an increase in animal bones at hominid sites during this period, along with evidence that the beasts were butchered using stone tools. |
中文意思: 这个行为上的革命,在考古记录中留下了迹象,例如遗址中的动物骨骼增加了,还有以石器屠宰野兽的证据。 |
Signs in the art of typeface design element of a pictorial image of the cow, make it clearer to send the industry attributes and brand personality traits.
标志以艺术设计的字体元素加入了牛的图案形象,使之简洁清晰的传达出行业的属性及品牌的个性特征。 |
Signs of Tujia and Miao figure for the customs and characteristics of the design, to a distant culture and history; the design and modeling unearthed Wang embodies the majestic demeanor and temperament, that is, content, more domineering.
标志以土家族和苗族的风情和典型人物为特点来设计,点名悠远的文化历史;标志的设计和造型体现出土王的气质和王者风范,即有内涵又具霸气. |
Signs of division of labour come only with the arrival of modern humans into Europe around 40,000 years ago.
直到大约4万年前,现代人进入欧洲后才开始有分工的迹象。 |
Signs of fraud and tips for avoiding scams are included.
也包括“骗局迹象”及各种避免受骗的要诀。 |
Signs of poisoning include a sudden feeling of pain or sickness, burns in or near the mouth, or an unusual smell coming from the mouth.
中毒的标志包括突然的痛感,或者病症,亦或者嘴里或嘴的附近有灼烧的感觉,或者嘴里产生一种不正常的味道。 |
Signs of this behavioral revolution are visible in the archaeological record, which shows an increase in animal bones at hominid sites during this period, along with evidence that the beasts were butchered using stone tools.
这个行为上的革命,在考古记录中留下了迹象,例如遗址中的动物骨骼增加了,还有以石器屠宰野兽的证据。 |
Signs of water jumped out almost immediately, and just six weeks after Opportunity landed, NASA held a press conference in Washington to announce definitive proof that water once existed on Mars.
水的遗迹几乎立刻跃入眼帘,“机遇号”着陆仅仅6周后,NASA就在华盛顿举办记者招待会,向外界公布了火星曾经有水的确凿证据。 |
Signs so far indicate that manufacturers have been largely absorbing the price increases.
迄今为止的迹象表明,制造商已基本上消化了价格的上涨。 |
Signs that America's boom may be fading have therefore caused concern around the globe.
美国的繁荣可能衰退的预兆,因此引起了全球的关心。 |
Signs, dayand waterand raincombining the words firein the modeling industry to demonstrate its distinctive corporate personality and characteristics.
标志以“天”“水““雨”字体结合“灭火器”的造型体现其鲜明的企业个性及行业特征。 |
Signs, banners and even four-legged companion animals spread the word about China's dog and cat fur trade!
标志、标语,甚至还有遍布世界各地的四条腿的动物都在反对中国的猫狗皮毛交易! |