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The trustee shall make at least one report on the handling of public trust affairs and the status of the property each year, and submit to the regulatory agency of public undertakings for approval after being recognized by the trust supervisor, and the tr

The trustee may be the beneficiary, but must not be the only beneficiary of the same trust. 受托人可以是受益人,但不得是同一信托的唯一受益人。
The trustee must revert the trust property if he changes the trust property into his inherent property; and the trustee shall bear the liability of compensation if he causes losses to the trust property. 受托人将信托财产转为其固有财产的,必须恢复该信托财产的原状;造成信托财产损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
The trustee shall bear liability of compensation if he violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph and causes losses to the trust property. 受托人违反前款规定,造成信托财产损失的,应当承担赔偿责任。
The trustee shall bear the debts to the third party or losses of himself incurred from the violation of his management duties or improper handling of the trust affairs with his inherent property. 受托人违背管理职责或者处理信托事务不当对第三人所负债务或者自己所受到的损失,以其固有财产承担。
The trustee shall bear the obligation to the trustor and beneficiary of keeping secret of the handling of trust affairs and the materials according to law. 受托人对委托人、受益人以及处理信托事务的情况和资料负有依法保密的义务。
The trustee shall make at least one report on the handling of public trust affairs and the status of the property each year, and submit to the regulatory agency of public undertakings for approval after being recognized by the trust supervisor, and the tr 受托人应当至少每年一次作出信托事务处理情况及财产状况报告,经信托监察人认可后,报公益事业管理机构核准,并由受托人予以公告。
The trustee shall report the management, utilization and disposition of the trust property and the income and expenses to the trustor and the beneficiary regularly every year. 受托人应当每年定期将信托财产的管理运用、处分及收支情况,报告委托人和受益人。
The trustor has the right to consult, write down or duplicate the trust accounts relating to his trust property and other documents relating to the handling of trust affairs. 委托人有权查阅、抄录或者复制与其信托财产有关的信托帐目以及处理信托事务的其他文件。
The trustor may be the beneficiary, and may also be the only beneficiary of the same trust. 委托人可以是受益人,也可以是同一信托的唯一受益人。
The trustor may rescind the trust under one of the circumstances listed in items 1, 3, and 4 of the above clause. 有前款第(一)项、第(三)项、第(四)项所列情形之一的,委托人可以解除信托。
The trustor or its heritor. (二)委托人或者其继承人。

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