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And, i tead of using a computer mouse to click on ico , users will merely tap on the screen to acce the Internet or start programs.

Andy:That's a swimsuit? Looks more like a top and skirt. 那是泳装吗?看起来像是ㄧ件上衣加ㄧ条裙子丫!
Andy:The coals are just right. I'm ready to grill! You can put stuff on the picnic table. Stop eating, get to work! 炭差不多好了,我要开始烤罗,你可以把东西放在野餐桌上,别吃了,上工啦!
Andy:…Ha! I'm just kidding. Let's open one now and let's carve our pumpkins. 好啦,开玩笑的啦!我们先打开一包吃然后ㄧ边刻我们的南瓜吧!
And, behold, men passed by, and saw the carcase cast in the way, and the lion standing by the carcase: and they came and told it in the city where the old prophet dwelt. 25有人从那里经过,看见尸身倒在路上,狮子站在尸身旁边,就来到老先知所住的城里述说这事。
And, behold, there was lifted up a talent of lead: and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah. 7(我见有一片圆铅被举起来)这坐在量器中的是个妇人。
And, i tead of using a computer mouse to click on ico , users will merely tap on the screen to acce the Internet or start programs. 使用者不再使用鼠标去点击图标,仅仅靠触摸视屏就可以上网或启动程序。
And, white I would not be so simplistic as to suggest that television is the cause, 1 believe it contributes and is an influence. 尽管我不会天真到认为电视是造成这一情况的原因,但我却相信它起了一定的作用,是有影响的。
Anecdotal evidence suggests that diets high in sugar, citrus, and cereal grains may trigger canker sores. 有事实证据表明大量饮用糖,柑橘,谷粒或许会触发口腔溃疡。
Anecdotes gave a zest to his speech. 轶事给予他的演说一股趣味。
Anemia due to folic acid deficiency is common in pregnant women, especially those who have taken oral contraceptives. 因叶酸缺乏而引起的贫血在孕妇中也很常见同,尤其是口服避孕药服用者。
Anemia is common among women with heavy menstrual periods, … 贫血在月经量过多的妇女中是很常见的,...

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