The two wins by“Brokeback”were rare for a critically acclaimed movie at the offbeat awards show, which lets MTV viewers choose the winners and is known for thumbing its nose at more high-brow ceremonies with categories like“best fight,”statues of golden p
在这项非传统的颁奖典礼上,《断背山》这类受到评论界激赞的电影能获两项奖,是很少见的,此项由MTV观众票选出赢家的奖项,其闻名之处在于以设置如「最佳武打」等种类的奖项来嘲讽学院派颁奖典礼、黄金爆米花造型奖座以及在典礼上毫不避讳地大肆宣传暑期热门强片。 |
The two wires were touching.
那两条金属线搭在一起了. |
The two women then began briskly wiping the filth from the man's clothing with paper towels they had with them.
这两名妇女随后热情地用随身携带的纸巾将脏东西从男子衣服上擦掉。 |
The two women then began briskly wiping the filth from themansclothing with paper towels they had with them. They weresoonjoined by a third man, who also came bearing paper towels.
这两名妇女随后热情地用随身携带的纸巾将脏东西从男子衣服上擦掉。不久,另一名拿着纸巾的男子也加入了进来。 |
The two words are identical in meaning.
这两个字的字义完全一样。 |
The two words are spelled differently, but pronounced the same.
这两个字拼写不同, 但发音相同. |
The two workers are dismissed from the factory by the same token.
那两位工人以同样的方式被工厂解雇了。 |
The two works of Professor Wang Zhongling are praised in academe.
摘要王钟陵教授的两部创作集,得到了学界与评论界的高度赞扬。 |
The two worlds, Nocturne and its oversized moon Prometheus, circle each other in an erratic orbit, causing massive tectonic activity across the thin crust of Nocturne.
那克土恩和它那大于一般的卫星普罗米修斯相互的以飘忽不定的方式旋绕,这也造成了星球上极其不正常的岩层活动和火山运动。 |
The two writers have a number of tilt in print.
这两位作家写过一些文章互相攻击。 |
The two young Mormons stared at him in amazement.
这两个摩门年轻人开始很吃惊地瞪着他。 |