Lazine in youth ells regret in old age. |
中文意思: 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 |
Layout priority is the priority of open space for an important spatial location and a sound spatial pattern, which are beneficial to shaping a good city green form.
布局优先关系到开放空间在形成良好的城市绿色形态中所占据的更为重要的空间位置和形成更加合理的空间格局。 |
Layout production area, stocking area, make best material flow.
规划生产区域,仓储区域,使物流畅通。 |
Lazarus had been dead for four days before Jesus raised him (John 11:39).
拉撒路死掉四天后耶稣才复活他(约翰福音11:39)。 |
Laze around the house.
在屋子周围闲逛 |
Lazera D.Eight Ways of Teaching:The Artistry of Teaching with Multiple Intelligences[M].Arlington Heights:Sky-Light Training and Publishing,Third Edition.
经营多元智慧:开展以学生为中心的教学[M].李平译.台北:远流出版公司,1997. |
Lazine in youth ells regret in old age.
少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 |
Laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless man goes hungry.
15懒惰使人沉睡.懈怠的人、必受饥饿。 |
Laziness in youth spells regret in old age.
少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 |
Laziness is his chief enemy.
懒惰是他现在主要的敌人。 |
Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling.
懒惰是一把锁,锁住了聪明和智慧的仓库,使你在工作和学习上永远是个缺粮户. |
Laziness is like a lock, which bolts you out of the storehouse of information and makes you an intellectual starveling.
惒曰丯恋閊 锬企乏肆晪后暌慺癧亄廓“伬使坠崨俥呜完书习氊输曜丯*缺粮户. |