For the coming year, we are planning further developments.
今后,我们将拟定进一步发展的计划。 |
For the commonly using sculptures as ornaments, its entry into gardens should be centuries ago.
雕塑进入花园是很早的事情,这从雕塑普遍的安放地可看出。 |
For the company of the godless will be barren, and fire will consume the tents of those who love bribes.
34原来不敬虔之辈必无生育。受贿赂之人的帐棚必被火烧。 |
For the company that owns the rights to an anime property, selling multiple licences is a way to generate revenue and help offset the cost of developing the television series.
如果某公司拥有一部动画片的版权,出售多重许可证是一种增加收入的方法,也可抵消拍摄电视系列片的成本费用。 |
For the complex topographical tailings dam, neither the complicated and changeable seepage field nor the action of three direction seepage factors at the same time can be fully reflected in the two-dimension model; as a result the real seepage field canno
摘要对于复杂地形的尾矿坝,由于二维模型不能充分反映复杂多变的渗流域,也不能考虑到三个方向渗流因素同时作用的影响,从而无法体现真正的渗流场。 |
For the congregation of hypocrites shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tabernacles of bribery.
34原来不敬虔之辈必无生育。受贿赂之人的帐棚必被火烧。 |
For the connect RF coaxial – cable in RF circuits of communication equipments and electronic instruments.
该产品供通信设备和无线电仪器的射频回路中连接射频同轴电缆用。 |
For the contaminant plume examined in this synthetic example study the spatial second moments defining the spread of the contaminant plume around its centroid increase with the enlargement of the variance of hydraulic conductivity distribution, while the
实例研究表明,污染物在含水层中运移过程中污染羽的展布范围(二阶矩)随着渗透系数空间变异方差的增大而扩大,而污染羽在空间上的质心位置(一阶矩)基本不受方差的影响,仅取决于渗透系数随机场的均值大小。 |
For the contractor ,a bid estimate submitted to the owner either for competitive bidding or negotiation consists of direct construction cost including field supervision ,plus a markup to cover general overhead and profits.
?建筑成本估算要求的精确程度在项目发展的不同阶段发生着变化,从早期的相近数字到施工前预算控制时相当准确的是数字。 |
For the contributors it is cathartic. For voyeurs, it is a chance to feed on the misery and despair — or even the creativity and mischievousness — of unknown people.
对吐密者,这麽做有宣洩涤清的效果;对逛网站的人则得到机会,分享他人的喜怒哀乐。 |
For the convenience of analysis, the studied region was divided into 8 landscape elements, such as cultivated land. wasteland, village and town, saltern, shrimp pond, mudflat, reservoir and pond, and river and ditch.
将研究区域分为耕地、荒地、村镇、盐田、虾池、滩涂、库塘以及河流沟渠8个景现要素。 |