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Connie : We'd better wait for Steven. Is Sam Finch meeting you in Denver?

Connie : The employment agents look to see which people have used computers. 康妮:职业介绍所的人查查看谁用过计算机。
Connie : To do the ironing, they heated an iron over a fire. To make meals, they made a fire inside an iron stove. 康妮:要熨衣服的话,先得在火上把熨斗烧热。做饭也要先在炉子里生火。
Connie : We all hope you had a wonderful and successful vacation. 康妮:我们都希望你的假期美满如意。
Connie : We had to make our beds as soon as we got up. We also had to feed the animals. 康妮:一起床我们就要把被子叠好,还得去喂牲口。
Connie : We have a visitor. 康妮:我们来客人了。
Connie : We'd better wait for Steven. Is Sam Finch meeting you in Denver? 康妮:我们最好等等史蒂文。山姆•芬奇将在丹佛与你会面吗?
Connie : What can I do for you? 康妮:我能为你做点什么?
Connie : What do you plan to do when you graduate from high school? 康妮:你高中毕业后有什么打算?
Connie : What's his middle name? 康妮:他的中间名是什么?
Connie : What's wrong? Is it the TV or the video camera? 康妮:怎么了?是电视机出毛病了还是摄影机有问题?
Connie : Why did you save the barn? 康妮:为什么你们要保留这个谷仓呢?

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