Zhangzhou Tianyu Mechanical And Electrical Factory is a enterprise which applies advanced numeral,Electronic technology from Japan and Germany to develop and lroduce electronic doors, Stretching-shortening doors, AUS rolling door machine, Garage sliding-r |
中文意思: 漳州市天宇机电厂是一家集日德等国先进数码,电控等技术,开发、生产电动卷门机、直流卷门机、伸缩门机、澳式门机、车库门机、遥控器等产品于一体的专业生产厂家。 |
Zhangjiagang port ,along the Yangtze River ,is situated in the northwest of Zhangjiagang city ,Jiangsu province ,It is located at 31°57′N and 120°24′E ,with Shanghai to its east ,Suzhou and Wuxi to its south ,and Changzhou to its west .
张家港位于江苏省张家港市西北部,地处北纬31°57′,东经120°24′,东临上海,南接苏州、无锡,西连常州,交通便捷,经济腹地广阔,自然条件十分优越。 |
Zhangjiang Technical Industrial Zone is a comprehensive area for hi-tech industries.commerce &trade and warehouses.
张江科技工业区是集高科技产业、商贸、仓储为一体的综合园区,规划面积2.83平方公里,内绿化面积达25%以上。 |
Zhangmutou, Dongguan, located in the South of Pearl River Delta and conveniently near Shenzhen and Hong Kong where the economic grows rapidly, is a developing trading post and well known as Little Hong Kong.
东莞樟木头三正半山酒店为三正集团成员企业,位于著名侨乡东莞市樟木头,富饶的珠江三角洲的南端,毗邻深圳和香港,经济繁荣、生机蓬勃,是一个飞跃发展的通商驿站,素有“小香港”之美誉。 |
Zhangshaoquan An Introduction to Geophysics[M] Beijing the earthquake publising house 1987.
张少泉.地球物理学概论[M].北京:地震出版社,1987. |
Zhangshizhao advocated that the press law should be cancelled to protect the freedom of press.
章士钊认为,要保护新闻自由就应取消报律,新闻不立法。 |
Zhangzhou Tianyu Mechanical And Electrical Factory is a enterprise which applies advanced numeral,Electronic technology from Japan and Germany to develop and lroduce electronic doors, Stretching-shortening doors, AUS rolling door machine, Garage sliding-r
漳州市天宇机电厂是一家集日德等国先进数码,电控等技术,开发、生产电动卷门机、直流卷门机、伸缩门机、澳式门机、车库门机、遥控器等产品于一体的专业生产厂家。 |
Zhang:Why can't I jump over?
我为什么跳不过去? |
Zhanhaoju is sincerely willing to hand by hand stride with the vast consumers and customers in the new century.
展灏居愿真诚与广大客户及消费者携手迈向新的世纪。 |
Zhanhua jujube teas Shandong Tea Ltd. for Quality Supervision and Inspection and the Ministry of Agriculture is testing centers designated enterprises.
山东沾化碧源茶业有限公司是国家农业部茶叶质量监督检验测试中心定点企业。 |
Zhanwen Li and Guiding Gu, Restarted FOM augmented with Ritz vectors for shifted linear systems, Numer. Math.(J. Chinese Univ. ),15(2006)40-49.
顾桂定,林磊和周献丽,二次参数方程组的线性化模式比较,应用数学与计算数学学报,20(2006)33-41. |
Zhao Daming is the first-degree state screenwriter of the Central Political Department Chorus and the committeeman of Dancing Theory &Learning Committee of Chinese Dancing Association.
总政歌舞团国家一级编剧。中国舞协舞蹈理论学术委员会委员。 |