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Based on anti deflagration test method of coal industry standard MT378-1995, influences of fuel oil phase and charge density and residual mass of acceptor explosive on anti deflagration of permissible expanded ammonium nitrate explosive have been tested i

Based on analyzing the process of simulation of machine assembly, the designing and realization of a language code and virtual assembly function, which describes simulation of machine assembly is introduced, and has been validated the technology validity 摘要在分析了虚拟机床装配仿真过程的基础上,提出了一种机床虚拟装配描述语言代码及其相对应的虚拟装配函数的设计和实现方案,并通过实例验证了该技术的有效性。
Based on analyzing the relation between woman and history, this thesis focused on Chinese contemporary female chronicle plays and discussed the change of female chronicle plays from 1980s to 1990s Female chronicle plays, which used the means of absurdism, 摘要本文从分析女性写作与历史剧创作产生联系的内外在原因入手,梳理了新时期以来女性历史剧从感应时代需求,力图构建宏大叙事的审美风格转换成为90年代颠覆权威叙述、建构女性视角下的历史言说的沿革变化。
Based on analyzing the situation of short-rotation fast-growing and high-yield eucalyptus forests within several years in Gutian County, countermeasures for developing the fast-growing and high-yield eucalyptus forests in Gutian County are posed, which gi 摘要通过对古田县近几年发展按树速生丰产林现状的分析,提出古田县桉树速生丰产林基地建设的措施和对策,为促进速生丰产林建设稳步、健康地发展提供参考和借鉴。
Based on analyzing the water resource situation and water environment problems such as water pollution, ground water table dropping, seawater invading and local water system degradation in Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration (SPUA), this article puts f 摘要在分析山东半岛城市群水资源状况和地下水位下降、海水入侵、水域污染及自然生态失衡等水环境问题的基础上,提出了水资源约束下山东半岛城市群发展对策。
Based on another empirical research accomplished by Hwang (2003), a conceptual framework was proposed to classify life goals in Confucian society into three categories, namely, vertical distinctiveness, horizontal distinctiveness, and personal goal, and t 接着根据黄光国于二○○二年至二○○三年所做的另一项实征研究,将儒家社会中的生活目标分为:纵向杰出、横向杰出、及自我肯定三大类,并提出一个概念架构,说明这三大类目标在父母要求、师长期待、同侪竞争、社会价值、个人价值、选择自由、选择理由、成败归因及自我呈现等方面的不同。
Based on anti deflagration test method of coal industry standard MT378-1995, influences of fuel oil phase and charge density and residual mass of acceptor explosive on anti deflagration of permissible expanded ammonium nitrate explosive have been tested i 摘要根据煤炭行业标准MT378-1995规定的抗爆燃性测试方法,详细地测试和研究了油相组成、被发药装药密度以及与之相对应的被发装药的残药量对煤矿许用膨化硝铵炸药抗爆燃性的影响。
Based on area feature coordinate data, and constructing block cut-edge associate table, this article describes seamless unite process of cutting-area feature on embedded studio, drawing whole geographical entity smoothly. 该文在面要素坐标数据支持的基础上,在内存构建图块切割边关联索引表中,描述了在嵌入式硬件平台上快速实现面状地理要素的无缝拼接的过程,实现了面状地理实体的逻辑无缝。
Based on artificial rainfall,the courses of sediment yield were studied, at the same time, analyze influence of rainfall intensity, gradient and bulk densities to sediment yield amount. 在人工降雨实验模拟的基础上,对硬地面次降雨侵蚀产沙过程和影响硬地面侵蚀产沙的因素进行了初步探讨,为硬地面的侵蚀防治提供了科学依据。
Based on available data, the study on regional structure, sedimentary reservoir and source rock characteristics shows that the basins in South China Sea had experienced sedimentary evolution in faulting period and depression period, deposited thick Cenozo 摘要以现有资料为基础,通过对区域构造、沉积储层、烃源岩特征等基础石油地质条件研究,认为南海海域各盆地经历了断陷期和坳陷期沉积演化,沉积了巨厚的新生代地层,自下而上发育了冲积扇相、河湖相、滨岸沼泽相、滨海相、浅海相、半深海相沉积体系,区域上存在始新统、渐新统和中新统3套烃源岩,前新生代基岩潜山、渐新统砂岩、中新统生物礁3套储层,区域盖层为上新统和更新统浅海-半深海相泥岩。
Based on barcode technology and taking depressing management cost as aim, the theory and function of an order tracking system of auto assemblage were studied, and the hardware structure and software design were discussed. 摘要研究了基于条形码技术,以降低管理成本为目标的汽车装配车间零部件订单的跟踪系统,以及该系统的原理和应具备的主要功能,给出了实现该系统的硬件结构和系统软件设计方法。
Based on benefit functions of the main parts on the market, incorporated with the analysis on the formative mechanism in the frame of principal-agent theory, this paper pointed out that the bad present situation is the inevitable result of doctor's seekin 通过对医疗市场主体得益函数的构建,并结合委托人—代理人理论对这一现象的形成机理的分析发现,我国医疗市场不良现状的形成,是医生在现有市场环境和政策体制下追求利益最大化的必然结果。

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