Basal Establishment and Public Utility Items We will construct ports, railway, highway, bridges and so on.
六)基础设施和公益性项目。建设港口、铁路、公路、大型桥梁以及市政设施项目。 |
Basal cell adenoma (BCA) of parotid gland is a rare tumor and was first separated from pleomorphic adenoma by Kleinsasser and Klein in 1967.
摘要腮腺的基底细胞腺瘤是一种比较罕见的良性肿瘤,其好发的年龄在六十至七十岁之间。 |
Basal principles of energy metabolism measurement.
能量代谢测定的基本原理。 |
Basal skull fracture with dural tear at cribriform plate of ethmoid bone and intracerebral cyst filled with air were found during operation.
手术中发现颅底筛骨筛板处有骨折并硬脑膜裂开,及充满气体之大脑囊肿。 |
Basalt have importance meanings on deduce the Earth's mantle material composition, analysis tectonic environment and the geosphere deep dynamics research.
摘要玄武岩在反演地幔物质成分、分析构造环境和岩石圈的深部动力学研究中具有重要意义。 |
Basalt, basalt everywhere, and not a drop of water in sight.
玄武岩,到处都是玄武岩,视野中没有一滴水。 |
Basaltic (When this card is put into graveyard from anywhere, shuttle it into its owner's library.
玄武化(当此牌被从任何地方放到墓地,把此牌洗回其拥有者牌库中。 |
Basaltic lava first erupted from the center and built up the volcano.
首先是玄武岩浆从中间喷发,构成火山。 |
Basd on the thin-shell model and the character of the ionospheric incline, with the method of numeric simulation, we have studied the error of ionospheric incline, and have got the result that it's requisite to consider slant of ionospheric layer.
摘要在考虑电离层薄层倾斜的基础上,数值模拟、分析了电离层倾斜带来的电离层附加时延相对不考虑电离层倾斜的偏差,从而说明了在电离层倾斜地区消除电离层倾斜的必要性。 |
Basde on further, analysis of formula D=1-AF, this paper points out the conflict when using instantaneous limit and jadging positire and negative feedbavk byusing the depth of peedbavk, range of middle freguency of pnegative feedback AMP circuit can also
摘要通过对公式D=1-AF的进一步分析,指出用瞬时极性法与用反馈深度判定正负反馈时所出现的矛盾,说明负反馈放大电路的中频段也会出现自激的情况。 |
Base 1. (Chemistry) A compound that reacts with an acid to produce water plus a salt. In solution, it forms ions that can react with hydrogen ions.
1碱:与酸反应可以生成水和盐的一种化合物。在溶液中,它可以电离出可以和氢离子反应的离子。 |