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The sails are not responding to our pull on the ropes; the fastenings must got twisted somehow.

The sailors took in sail when the tempest was approaching. 暴风雨来临之际,水手们将帐篷放下。
The sailors took in sail when they saw the storm approach. 水手们看见风暴快来了,就动手收帆。
The sailors were warned not to get into trouble while they were on shore. 水手们受到警告,不许在岸上惹麻烦。
The sailors' voices could not be heard above the tumult of the storm. 水手们的声音在风暴的喧哗中无法被听到。
The sailors, 14 men and one woman, were returning from inspecting a cargo ship for possible smuggling when the Iranian navy seized them March 23. 14个男性和一名女性海军士兵是在3月23日被伊朗海军逮捕的,那时他们正在检查完一艘可能走私的货船的归途中。
The sails are not responding to our pull on the ropes; the fastenings must got twisted somehow. 现在我们用绳索拉不动风帆,一定是有些扣拴不知怎么地被扭曲了。
The sails bellied out. 船帆张得满满的.
The sails flapped in the wind and the boat went ahead smoothly. 帆迎风拍打着,小船顺利地向前行驶。
The sails of the windmill were wheeling round. 风车的叶轮正在旋转。
The saint had a lowly heart. 圣人有谦诚之心。
The saint porch (acoustics) decorates the company according to the market the demand basis general owners' request, in order to increases the high grade for the family repair, therefore the saint porch company grandly promotes (acoustics adds repair) the 圣轩(声学)装饰公司根据市场的需求根据广大业主的要求,为了给家庭装修增加高品位,所以在二零零七年圣轩公司隆重推出(声学加装修)的理念,并在京城首先推广应用,经过十个小区不同层次业主的试验,满意率达99%以上,并且受到业主的好评。

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