In 1997, Fund for destitute area was established, on 2nd October, 1997, GDCCP and Hong Kong Yan Chai Hospital had organized Love throughs Hong Kong and Guangzhou Car Exhibition, and raised 3,500,000 Dollar. |
中文意思: 在1997年成立了贫困山区扶贫助教专项基金,10月2日,我会联合香港仁济医院组织“爱心名车贯港穗”活动,为扶贫助教基金筹集到350万元。 |
In 1997, 10 persons in a hundred had.
1997年,每百人中有十个人有手机。 |
In 1997, Andrews underwent an operation to remove a polyp from her vocal chords. The surgery left her singing voice damaged, and she sued the doctors for malpractice.
1997年安德鲁斯进行了声带息肉的切除手术。然而手术破坏了她的声音,她以医生的玩忽职守提出了诉讼。 |
In 1997, Beth Ann Hogan became the first coed in the Virginia Military Institute's 158-year history.
1997年,贝斯安赫根成为维吉尼亚军事学院158年来的第一个女生. |
In 1997, CERC set up offices in Guangzhou &Shenzhen, entering domestic market to provide systematical &practical Performance Management Technology to local corporations.
1997年,CERC相续在广州和深圳开设办事处,进驻国内,提供系统管理实务技术的顾问服务。 |
In 1997, CIW's advertising revenue exceeded RMB100 million.
1997年,广告收入超过1亿元。 |
In 1997, Fund for destitute area was established, on 2nd October, 1997, GDCCP and Hong Kong Yan Chai Hospital had organized Love throughs Hong Kong and Guangzhou Car Exhibition, and raised 3,500,000 Dollar.
在1997年成立了贫困山区扶贫助教专项基金,10月2日,我会联合香港仁济医院组织“爱心名车贯港穗”活动,为扶贫助教基金筹集到350万元。 |
In 1997, TJMG donated RMB one million for Hope Project to establish 10 Hope Primary Schools.
1997年向希望工程捐款100万元人民币兴建10所希望小学。 |
In 1997, Waitt turned down a $7 billion takeover bid from Compaq, now part of Hewlett-Packard Co.
1997年,温特拒绝了现在惠普公司的分支,当时的康柏公司70亿美元的收购提议。 |
In 1997, Zou Jiahua, who served as Vice-Chairman of the Standing Committee of NPC then, wrote the inscription for CIW.
1997年,时任全国人大常委会副委员长的邹家华为《中国计算机报》题写报头。 |
In 1997, a French urban climber, Alain SpidermanRobert, using no safety devises, climbed the Opera House s outside wall using only his hands and feet.
1997年,一位爱好攀登现代建筑的法国人——“蜘蛛侠”阿兰罗伯特在没有使用任何安全设备的情况下,只用自己的双手和双脚攀上了悉尼歌剧院的外墙。 |
In 1997, a French urban climber, Alain "Spiderman" Robert, using no safety devises, climbed the Opera House's outside wall using only his hands and feet.
1997年,一位爱好攀登现代建筑的法国人——“蜘蛛侠”阿兰·罗伯特在没有使用任何安全设备的情况下,只用自己的双手和双脚攀上了悉尼歌剧院的外墙。 |