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A typical optocoupler made up of two electronic assembles: An IR LED and an output optoelectronic detector which are integrated into a DIP.

A typical includes a group of standard keys set in the center of the keyboard, many function keys and several additional keys. 一个典型的键盘包括一组位于键盘中间的标准键、许多功能键和一些附加键。
A typical instruction in a machine language might read 10010 1100 1011 and mean add the contents of storage register A to the contents of storage register B. 机器语言中的一条典型的指令可能是1001011001011,意思是将存储寄存器A的内容加到存储寄存器B的内容中。
A typical keyboard includes a group of standard keys set in the center of the keyboard, many function keys and several additional keys. 一个典型的键盘包括一组位于键盘中间的标准键、许多功能键和一些附加键。
A typical kind of property that you might want to express, say, in a class invariant for a graph class, is that the graph has no cycles. 比如在一个图类中,你可能想要表述的典型属性是该图没有回路。
A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitrarily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution. 现代文学的典型特征是开端任意,发展不做解释以及没有结果的收场。
A typical optocoupler made up of two electronic assembles: An IR LED and an output optoelectronic detector which are integrated into a DIP. 典型的光耦合器是将两个电子组件-红外(IR)发光二极管(LED)和输出光电探测器集合到一个双列直插式封装(DIP)中。
A typical outdoor track is a 400m oval. 通常的室内田径场是一个400米长的椭圆。
A typical oxygen central installation includes cylinders, manifold and piping, rigidly secured to a bulkhead in order to prevent the possibility of unsafe condition in a seaway. 典型布置包括气瓶、管路装置以及坚固的隔离板用以防止航海时的非安全因素的产生。
A typical park would have a ball field, man-made lakes and lawns. 典型的公园,有运动场、人工湖和大草坪。
A typical query may run as follows: 典型来说质疑可能如下:
A typical regional center is usually enclosed with an inward orientation of the stores connected by a common walkway and parking surrounds the outside perimeter. 一个典型的地区中心通常包括由一条普通步行街连接的商店店堂和环绕四周的停车场。

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