The written translation is really weird, it totally changes my aspect and view to the translation,even the English as well.In the early English study,I am concentrating on the English sense and English thinking; the Chinese is a trap and the biggest drawb
笔译真是很奇怪的事情,它让我把对翻译的理解甚至对英文的理解也彻底改变了.记得原先在学英文时,最怕的就是再去接触中文;仿佛刚有一些进步的英文也会被再读中文给拉下来;再则,英语思维与英语感觉也要放弃中文翻译的陷阱.另一件我不愿读中文翻译的原因是我想读那原汁原味的英文作品,我需要自己去咀嚼. |
The written, practical and oral tests will be kept on master level and will also include coffee tasting.
笔试、口试、和实际操作测试都按照专家级的要求,还包括咖啡品尝。 |
The wrong device is attached to the port.
一个错误的设备被连接到该端口。 |
The wrong pieces may be returned per next available steamer for our account , but it is preferable if you can dispose of them in your market.
发错的货物下班轮船带回,费用由我方负担,但最好能在你方市场售出。 |
The xml_get_current_byte_index() function gets the byte index for an XML parser.
函数的作用是:从XML解析器中获取当前字节数。 |
The xml_get_current_column_number() function gets the current column number for an XML parser.
函数的作用是:从XML解析器中获取当前列数。 |
The xml_get_current_line_number() function gets the current line number for an XML parser.
函数的作用是:从XML解析器中获取当前行数。 |
The xml_get_error_code() function gets the XML parser error code.
函数的作用是:从XML解析器中获取错误代码。 |
The xml_parse() function parses an XML document.
函数的作用是:解析一个XML文档。 |
The xml_parse_into_struct() function parses XML data into an array.
函数的作用是:将XML数据解析到一个数组中。 |
The xml_parser_create_ns() function creates an XML parser with namespace support.
函数的作用是:创建一个支持名称空间的XML解析器。 |