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The nine offences listed by the draft directive would be enforceable across the European Union and range from the illegal dumping of waste to the “taking or damaging” of protested wild flowers.

The nile flood the field and deposit mud on them. 尼罗河泛滥,在田野上淤积一层泥。
The nililating application of the conceptual machinery is most often used with individuals or groups foreign to the society in question and thus ineligible for the therapy. 概念化机构的无效论最常应用于:在方才所提的社会中,外来的个人或团体不适用于治疗。
The nine Supreme Court justices hold office for life. 九位最高法院的法官是终身职。
The nine boys are from TianJin. 这九个男孩子是天津人。
The nine founding companies said they want results fast and will hammer out technology requirements by September and a first set of technology specifications by year-end. 这9家创始厂商表示,希望能尽快得出结果,在9月提出技术要求,以及在年底前完成制订第一套技术标准。
The nine offences listed by the draft directive would be enforceable across the European Union and range from the illegal dumping of waste to the “taking or damaging” of protested wild flowers. 指令草案列举的九种犯行,在全部欧盟国家都将受处罚,犯行内容从非法倾倒废弃物,到「摘取或伤害」列管保护的野花,不一而足。
The nine workers returned to China by plan in airport of Lagos on Feb. 5th. 经过11天的外交努力,这9名中国工人于3日晚安全获释,于2月5日下午,在拉各斯国际机场乘飞机回国。
The nine year compulsory education had covered 97.7 percent of the population, up 4.7 percent against 2000; junior vocational education accommodated 783,000 students, increased by 244,000 students; institutions of higher education accommodated 1.051 milli “普九”人口覆盖率达到97.7%,比2000年提高4.7个百分点;中等职业教育在校生78.3万人、高校在校生105.1万人,分别比2000年增加24.4万人、57.1万人;突发公共卫生事件应急机制初步建立;人口自然增长率2.9‰,比2000年下降2.2个千分点;广播、电视综合人口覆盖率分别达到95.4%和96.7%。
The nine year old girl is suffering from continuous itch and desquamation over the upper limbs and feet for many months which was diagnosed as eczema and athlete's foot by western medicine and which was prescribed 2 pills of steroid for every 3 days and r 在今天的本文中,作者以一个新颖的物理概念来尝试解释与探讨中医临床案例,希望医师能获得一些啓发与参考。
The nine-piece orchestra play instruments constructed from vegetable material———from a flute made out of a carrot,a saxo phone carved out of a cucumber,a violin from leek and to a pumpkin converted into a double bass. 九个乐章的乐队演奏乐器都来自蔬菜:长笛是用一根萝卜做成的,萨克斯管是由一根黄瓜,小提琴来自韭葱,低音提琴来自一个南瓜。
The nine-times European champions topped the final standings by virtue of a better head-to-head record against arch-rivals Barcelona, whose 5-1 victory at already relegated Gimnastic Tarragona was to no avail. 这九次欧洲冠军的胜利最后的的胜利者以非常好的比分在比赛中战胜主要竞争对手.

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