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That political statesman is full of ambition.

That playwright has a high place in the history of American literature. 那位剧作家在美国文学史上占有重要地位。
That pledge is an indication of how poisonous they had become under his predecessor. 这一宣誓暗示了在他前任掌门时,双方之间变得多么不愉快。
That point is conceded already. 我还须着手证明奴隶也是人吗?
That policeman's waving to you. 那个警察正朝你挥手呢。
That policy has encouraged speculation across the board, pushing up prices of property, equities and bonds. 这种政策鼓励了各个领域的投机行为,拉高了房价、股价和债券价格。
That political statesman is full of ambition. 那个政治家野心很大。
That politician has been in the limelight recently because of his strong opinions. 那位政治家由于持激烈的观点,近来一直引人注目。
That politician was attacked by his rivals who accused him of having an affair with his secretary, considered a bimbo by many. 那个政治人物被他的政敌攻击,说他与他那个不检点的秘书有婚外情。
That politician won the presidential election campaign and became the President. 那位政治家赢得了总统选举,成为了总统。
That politician's dishonesty made my blood boil. 那个政客的不诚实使我勃然大怒。
That pollution, along with dams and heavy boat traffic, has caused a dramatic decline in the Yangtze's aquatic life. 污染再加上筑坝和繁忙的船运导致长江水生物数量急剧下降。

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