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Anyway, our data, collected over a five year period, clearly shows the long and medium-term trends.

Anyway, it's very difficult to predict which blocks will be referenced. 无论如何,资讯科技是非常困难预测哪一区段将会是叁考的。
Anyway, just be cautious and avoid damaging any parts. 所以,要尽可能的小心,不碰坏任何的一个部件。
Anyway, let's start the briefing. 好吧,还是先开始做简报。
Anyway, no one can really see into the future, and anyone who says they someone can is not whom you would like to be stuck next to on a long international flight. 无论如何,没有人可以真正倒看到为了,就算有人说他可以,你也不希望搭长途国际航班的时候正碰上此人坐在你的旁边。
Anyway, nowadays, reading the newspapers have become a mentally draining chore. 但是,现在读报纸已经变成一种苦差事了。
Anyway, our data, collected over a five year period, clearly shows the long and medium-term trends. 总之,我们的数据收集了5年之久,它清楚地反映了中长期趋势。
Anyway, speaking of her idiosyncrasies, after the menstrual flow was over, after she had rested properly and put a nice layer of fat around her belt, still she wouldn't come across. 说来她的怪癖也真怪,待她的月经完了,休息好了,腰里也长了一圈膘,她仍不肯就范。
Anyway, telegram has been past. 反正电报已成为历史。
Anyway, the far east is ever coming nearer, and ever clearer. 无论如何,远东越来越近,越来越清晰。
Anyway, the thing about the chinese is that they're group oriented so all you have to do is sit a machine gun in front of their military base and shoot them all when they run out. 而且我不认为战争会发生在美国和中国任何一方的国土上,战争可能会发生在中东地区。
Anyway, there is another way of looking at things: Europeans are being dragged kicking and screaming towards a new partnership in world affairs. 无论什么情况,他都有另一条对待事务的方法:欧洲正被美国劝说的兴奋地充当其处理全球事务的一个新伙伴。

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