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Originally, Li was voted to be the most beautiful woman, followed by Shang and Zhao in the primary election. But their names didn't appear when the final results were announced.

Originally the League existed with an all volunteer staff Funding was secured through private donors and the Community Chest Emphasis was placed on housing, job opportunities, vocational guidance, adoptions, foster care, public accommodations and educatio 起初,这个由志愿者组成的联盟其经费来源主要是私人捐助和社区福利基金,它主要服务是提供住房、就业机会、职业指导、收养抚养、公共膳宿和教育。
Originally used as a symbol for birth and rebirth, it quickly evolved to becoming an amulet for protective purposes (used in many completely different religions), a seal for officials and later only for decorative purposes. 原先用于出生和再生符号象征,它很快地发展为保护的想法(用于多数完全地不同的宗教),官印以及后来仅用于装饰目的成为了一个护身符。
Originally worshipped by the pagan tribes of Geomania and the black forests that encompassed it, Meepo is a mischievous spirit of the earth who enjoys burying his enemies alive in mountains of rock spikes, pinning them down into helplessness as he pummels 米玻受藏匿于黑森林里信奉土占教派的异教教群所崇拜,是喜爱将他的敌人活埋在岩刺堆之中将他们钉住,并用铁锹猛力痛打无助的他们直到他们顺从的大地恶灵。
Originally, Foutung had been a town of some five hundred families, but the Japanese retreating from the area in 1945 had deliberately set fire to the houses so that now the town was little more than a cold, bare icebox. 城里原先有五百多户人家,日本人一九四五年从这个地区撤走时,放一把火把房子都烧光了,所以现在这里荒凉得像一个冰窟似的。
Originally, I want to say hello to you all soon after I come back home from the Conference. 本来从青宣回来后,想赶快和大家打个招呼。
Originally, Li was voted to be the most beautiful woman, followed by Shang and Zhao in the primary election. But their names didn't appear when the final results were announced. 初选中最初李宇春被选为最漂亮的女人,紧接着是尚文捷和赵薇。但是当最终的结果被公布时他们的名字都没有出现。
Originally, banishment was an alternative to death granted by the Emperor, but it evolved to become a for mal punishment between 468AD to 472AD during the reign of Emperor Ming of the Song Dynasty. 六朝的流徙刑主要仍是一种代刑的地位,是皇帝给予死刑犯或者严重罪恶的牵连犯的一项恩宥。
Originally, organic compounds were thought to arise from life processes. 最初有机化合物是由生命过程产生的。
Originally,I was an broad-minded person but your bahaviour is really unbearable. 我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。
Originally; the role of the human occupant as the way shower to the library was one of great honor. 最初,作为图书馆展现者的人类居住者角色是伟大荣誉的一。
Originate a four-in-one protective function combining with vibration, air pressure, microwave, and infrared, more protection, and more safety. 首创震动、气压、微波、红外线四合一之功能防护,保护更安全。

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