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The first task of the person who wish to live wisely is to free himself or herself from the confines of self-absorption.

The first surprise was that about 80% of the 21,000 genes in the mouse genome are active in the brain. 首先是老鼠基因组的21000个基因中有大约80%都在脑中活跃表达。
The first swipe came from Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Germany's foreign minister, who complained that Mr Blair had been appointed behind closed doors by America without consulting the so-called quartet—the club of America, Russia, the European Union and the 当头第一击来自德国外交部长法兰克·沃尔特施泰因,抱怨布莱尔的任命是美国的暗箱操作,没有和布莱尔所代表的所谓的四重奏——美国,俄罗斯,欧盟和联合国进行协商。
The first system consisted of a bucket filled with a substrate of sand/ gravel (20cm of depth), on the bottom of which was a 80 mesh/ inc2 of nylon (S1); the second was similar, but was planted with Lolium perenne Lam (S2); the third was planted with a gr 第一个装置底层装20公分高的沙砾,上面放80目尼龙(S1);第二个装置底层也放同样动西,但上面放多花黑麦草;第三个装置里面放着底层为7层无纺布上面种着多花黑麦的圆盘。
The first systematic archaeo-botanic research in China was carried out in Liangchengzhen site, Rizhao City, Shandong by the Archaeology Department of Shandong University in 1998. 摘要进入21世纪,山东地区的植物考古研究取得了一系列重要进展。
The first task is to articulate the vision of where the organization is heading. 第一人任务是清晰地表达组织正行进方向的美好前景。
The first task of the person who wish to live wisely is to free himself or herself from the confines of self-absorption. 对于想要聪明过活的人来说,第一个任务就是从有限的耽溺自我当中解放出来。
The first task to do so involves clarifying the contentious type of the original vegetation through pollen spore analyses. 黄土高原的原始植被到底是什么样子,学者们说法不一。
The first teacher in space taught her first lesson in zero-gravity Tuesday, answering questions from school children in Idaho from the orbiting International Space Station hundreds of miles above Earth. 首个登上太空的老师周二在零重力状态下教了她的第一堂课,从距地面数百英里的国际空间站上回答了身在爱达荷州的学生的提问。
The first temple was built by Emperor Asoka in the 3rd century B.C., and the present temple dates from the 5th or 6th centuries. 寺庙最早是阿育王于公元前3世纪建造的,现存的寺庙历史可以追溯道公元5世纪到6世纪。
The first ten years are the fast developing period of rural urbanization in suburban Beijing. 21世纪前10年是北京郊区乡村城市化迅速发展的时期。
The first tentative on target came by way of Robinho, but his shot was deflected by Moyá. “整个伯纳乌一起叫喊着,皇家马德里做到了这一点。

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