We suffered some serious financial reverses last year.
去年我们在财务上受到一些严重的挫折. |
We suffered total loss of hydraulic fluid.
液压油完全流失。 |
We suggest that Smith be told about his physical condition as soon as possible.
我们主张应尽快告诉史密斯他的身体状况。 |
We suggest that a branch of atmospheric hydrology should be established to fill the theory gap.
建议建立“大气水分学”这个科学分支以填补这个空白。 |
We suggest that bed-side ultrasonography and needle paracentesis be considered as an expedient alternative for decompression of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with blunt solid visceral organ injury with massive hemoperitoneum and ACS.
我们认为当病患有腹部实体器官挫伤合并有大量腹膜腔出血及腹部腔室症候群,可考虑使用床边的腹部超音波检查及腔液穿放术来减压,以改善病患临床症状。 |
We suggest that long-term follow-up after UPPP for OSAS is necessary.
我们认为对此种治疗效果之长期评估应有其必要性。 |
We suggest that new technologies such as the C and N isotope technique for nutrient cycling and the image analysis approaches for soil micro-structure should be applied on earthworm ecological research in order to better understand the functions of earthw
其他新技术如研究养分循环的碳氮同位素分析和揭示土壤微结构的图像分析等技术的应用是蚯蚓生态功能研究的迫切需要。 |
We suggest that patients with liver diseases should undergo regular physical check-up, distribute work and leisure,adopt good life styles,have a correct attitude toward disease,and maintain a good psychotic status ,all of which are beneficial to enhancing
本文提倡肝病患者要定期参加体检普查;注意休息、劳逸结合,生活起居节制;正确对待疾病,保持良好心态,有利于提高机体免疫力,进而达到加速康复、保持心身健康之目的。 |
We suggest that posterior vertebrectomy through the pedicle of vertebral arch is the most safely way.
③后入路截骨选择经过椎弓、椎体中部截骨损伤血管最少。 |
We suggest that preliminary tracheostomy and surgical extirpation with CO2 laser via endoscopy can be a reliable choice of treatment.
由本病例,作者建议对于声门下区的良性肿瘤,可以考虑在术前作好气管造口术,在全身麻醉之下,经口作喉内视镜显微激光手术将肿瘤切除。 |
We suggest that that computed tomography should be done first when a myxoma is highly suspected.
于是二度手术,采广泛性切除术切除肿瘤及部分耳道,并进行全皮移植,术后伤口愈合良好。 |