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He was rejected by the conscription office because he was under age.

He was regarded as an important figure in history. 他被看作为历史上的重要人物。
He was regarded as having honesty and integrity and was a committed family man.His wife Betty had battled alcoholism and founded the Betty Ford Clinics. 福特被认为是一个正直、诚实和忠于家庭的男人。他的妻子贝蒂曾致力于反对酗酒行为并设立了贝蒂·福特门诊部。
He was regarded as heretic by the common people. 他被大众视为异教徒。
He was regarded as the best actor in the world then. 当时他被视为是世界上最好的演员。
He was regarded as the best doctor in town. 他被认为是城里最好的医生。
He was rejected by the conscription office because he was under age. 征兵办公室没有接受他,因为他尚未到年龄。
He was released from prison after serving his sentence. 他刑满获释。
He was released on bail of $1000. 他以一千美元的保释金获得了释放。
He was released the day after suffering a seizure. 心脏病发作的第二天,他就出院了。
He was relentless in demanding repayment of the debt. 他冷酷无情地要求偿还那笔债。
He was relieved of his responsibility. 他被解除他的责任。

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