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In this paper, based on analysis the distributing rule of permanent magnetic field, a novel method for dynamic tracing micro drug delivering device in alimentary canal has been proposed.

In this paper, analysis is to be made out and countermeasure is to be put forward in a case study of nanjing. 该文将以南京为例,尝试对大都市郊区的小城镇发展作出一定分析,提出些许对策。
In this paper, at first the CFD simulation including the spiral case, stay vane, guide vane, runner vane and draft tube at different operation points is studied, then the result of the pressure distribution on runner blade is provided for the runner struc 本文首先对混流式水轮机全流道内流场进行了多工况的CFD计算,得到不同工况下转轮叶片表面水压力载荷,并利用顺序流固耦合方法对转轮在各种工况下的应力特性进行计算。
In this paper, attention problems on measurement insulation resistance by megger are proposed, reasons are analyzed, and gives some field examples. 摘要文章提出了兆欧表测量绝缘电阻应注意的问题,分析了原因,并给出了若干实例。
In this paper, authors analysis the process of decision-making of collision avoidance, based on it the fuzzy decision-making method of ship collision risk is presented. 摘要作者分析了船舶避碰的决策过程及已有的决策模型,提出了船舶碰撞危险的模糊决策方法。
In this paper, based on analysis of construction of underground roads in European, American and Asian countries, as well as in metropolitans in China, the motivation of its construction is investigated and summarized, which offers a new idea and measure f 本文通过对欧美、亚洲以及我国一些特大城市修建地下道路的实例进行分析,从问题入手,探究其修建动因并进行总结,为北京、特别是中心城区解决城市再开发和交通拥堵等一系列问题提供一种新的思路和解决方法。
In this paper, based on analysis the distributing rule of permanent magnetic field, a novel method for dynamic tracing micro drug delivering device in alimentary canal has been proposed. 本文在分析永磁体空间磁场分布规律的基础上,提出了利用磁定位原理实现动态跟踪微型药物释放装置在消化道运动状态的方法。
In this paper, based on the 2″ high precision CNC dividing head, a human-like inteligent control scheme is proposed for point-to-point control system. 摘要针对我们所研制的2″高精度数控分度头提出了一种用于点位控制的仿人智能控制方法。
In this paper, based on the climate data(1961-1995) of 63 stations in northern China, and according to the climate analysis about 40 years, the impacts of climate change on the boundary and climatic potential productivity of the interlock area of farming- 根据我国北方63个代表站点(1961-1995)的气候资料,在分析了该地区近40年来气候变化现状的基础上,选用了合适的指标和计算方法,研究未来气候变化情景下,我国农牧交错带界限及其气候生产力的变化。
In this paper, based on the concept of normal quaternion, a new algorithm for the initial alignment of the integrated system is studied; the alignment algorithm is processed only on the basis of the position and velocity data of GPS. 基于规范化四元数的概念,研究了一种仅利用GPS的位置和速度数据对组合系统进行初始对准的新算法,克服了传统滤波方法进行初始对准存在的诸多局限性。
In this paper, based on the experi ment and research data of the injected water quality in Lunnan oil field in many years, the actual situation of the injected water in Lunnan oil field is analyzed and discussed and the chemical indices ( content of the i 文章立足于多年来轮南油田注入水水质的实验研究数据,对轮南油田注入水现状进行分析讨论;对化学指标(铁含量、溶解氧、硫化物含量、二氧化碳含量、含油量、腐蚀率)、细菌指标、物理指标(悬浮物含量、悬浮物粒径)和注入水与地层水配伍性等进行逐一评定。
In this paper, based on the inconsistency between the planning design of power station and operating performance of hydro-turbine, the technical feasibility and influence on engineering practice of the maximum output setting (MOS) as a solution have been 摘要为解决水电站规划设计与水轮机运行特性之间的矛盾,分析了在高水头下可能引起的机组运行问题,以及采用设置最大出力作为预防措施在技术上的可行性和对工程的影响,对清江水布垭电站机组设置最大出力的设计优化进行了介绍。

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