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A teaching lesson lasts 45 minutes and there will be approximately 30 lessons per week, including group work, which is essential for studying in Denmark and the rest of Europe.

A teacher's aim is to impart knowledge. 教师的作用是传授知识。
A teacher's influence may carry over through his or her students' whole life. 老师的影响可能贯穿学生的一生。
A teacher's work is often compared to a candle. 教师的工作常被比作蜡烛。
A teacher, like a candle, burns incessantly, to lighten the road forward for others. 老师如同一支蜡烛,不断燃烧自己来照亮别人前进的道路。
A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church. 长老基督教长老会中教诲教义的长老
A teaching lesson lasts 45 minutes and there will be approximately 30 lessons per week, including group work, which is essential for studying in Denmark and the rest of Europe. 每节课45分钟,每个星期大约30节课,包括分组学习,这是丹麦和其它欧洲国家基本的学习模式。
A teakettle, a coffee pot, and a syrup jug have spouts. 茶壶、咖啡壶以及糖浆罐都有嘴。
A team at London's Hammersmith Hospital is attempting to reverse cirrhosis of the liver by harnessing and enhancing the body's own repair mechanism. 伦敦哈默史密斯医院的一个小组尝试以控制并提高身体自己的修补机制,来反转肝的硬化。
A team at the Chemnitz University of Technology in Germany, led by Matthias Rosenberger, has transformed the usefulness of the test by feeding its results into high-capacity computers. 在德国开姆尼斯技术大学,由马地亚斯·卢森博格领导的研究团队把测试的结果输入高能的计算机以改变测试的有效性。
A team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology engineered a long tubular virus called M13 to sheathe itself in proteins that glom onto cobalt and gold atoms. 美国麻省理工学院的团队把一种叫做M13的长管状病毒拿来设计,使得它以蛋白质鞘包覆自己,并让钴原子与金原子附在蛋白质上头。
A team co-led by Izumi Shimada, an archaeologist with Southern Illinois University, found 22 artifact-laden tombs about 420 miles (675 kilometers) northwest of Lima, the capital . 由依祖密·什马达带领的科考团队在距秘鲁首都利马西北约675公里处发现了22座装饰精美的墓穴。

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