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Gonorrhea is an infectious sexually transmitted disease-caused by the gonococcus bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Gongbei Customs started installing GPS for small-scale boats navigating between Zhuhai, Hong Kong and Macau in order to improve the efficiency of customs checking. 从6月1日起,拱北海关对往来港澳的小型船舶全面安装GPS系统,以加快货物通关速度,提高稽查走私的效率。
Gongkai, female, anchorman of English Video Program of Shenyang Government Affairs Publication Office. 公开,女,沈阳市政务公开工作办公室英语节目主持人。
Goniometer - An instrument used in measuring angles. 角度计-用来测量角度的设备。
Gonna knock that nose right off your face! So stay back! 你的鼻子会被打飞的!退到后面去!
Gonorrhea can occur in the reproductive organs, urethra, rectum and throat. 淋病可以发生在生殖器、尿道、直肠和喉咙.
Gonorrhea is an infectious sexually transmitted disease-caused by the gonococcus bacterium, Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 淋病是一种传染性性病-淋球菌引起的细菌,淋球菌.
Gonorrhea leads to several complications in the female genital tract, including acute inflammation with abscess formation as well as chronic inflammation with tubal scarring (and a greater likelihood of ectopic pregnancy) and pelvic inflammatory disease. 淋病可导致多种女性生殖系统病变,包括急性化脓性炎症、慢性炎症导致的输卵管瘢痕化(异位妊娠的发生率随之升高)、盆腔炎症性疾病。
Gonorrhea. Often used with the. 淋病。通常与the连用
Gontish oak, from the hands of a Gontish wizard. 弓忒的橡木,出自弓忒巫师的手中。
Gontrasting the stress distribution data simulated by FLAC with actually measured data from scene of coal gas, we have obtained the rule of stress distribution around working face. 分析了立井揭穿突出煤层的危险性,得到了在立井揭穿煤层过程中。
Gonzalez completed his loan move from Gimnasia on transfer deadline day, and was overjoyed at the chance to play in Serie A. 冈萨雷斯在转会市场关闭前完成了租借手续,他对有机会在意甲踢球感到欣喜若狂。

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