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Most of space looks as empty as this, the glow of distant galaxies like dotted dust.

Most of people think that little children should be lively. 小孩子应该是活泼好动的。大多数人是这样认为的。
Most of people think that small kids should be active and brisk. 小孩子应该是活泼好动的。大多数人是这样认为的。
Most of people view this gala as an annual staple on the traditional Chinese Spring Festival Eve. 很多人将这台晚会视为传统中国春节除夕夜的每年的主要组成部分。
Most of production are vended to occident, Europe and America, Japen, Korea, Southeast Asia, etc. 产品远销欧美、日本、韩国、东南亚等国际市场。
Most of proteins firstly combine with ligand or form protein complex with other proteins, and then participate in the process of cell metabolism. 其中,多数蛋白质是通过与配体结合或是作为蛋白质复合物中的一部分参与细胞的代谢过程。
Most of space looks as empty as this, the glow of distant galaxies like dotted dust. 大部分的(宇宙)空间就跟这幅图一般空旷,远处星系发出的光就像点点尘埃。
Most of speaker attacked this overture mightily in the meeting. 大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。
Most of spokesmans attacked the proposition intensively in conference. 大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。
Most of spokesmen attacked this proposal intensely in the convention. 大会上许多的发言人强烈抨击了这项提案。
Most of such activations have two sides, one side anchors divine energies on the physical plane by uniting thoughts and the will to bring understanding into human consciousness, and the other side enables the people who participate to rediscover through t 这种激活大多有两个方面,一方面通过联合意念和意志力以将理解带入人类意识,另一方面,是参与者通过激活过程发现他们从来就有、但被遗忘所掩盖的的内在能力。
Most of the 1.4 million votes registered went to Cathay on the basis of its seating capacity, lounge decor, business facilities, washrooms, showers and leisure amenities, food and beverage selections, as well as the efficiency, friendliness and attitude o “国泰”因其座位数量、休息室内饰、商务设施、洗手间、淋浴和休闲设施、餐饮品种,以及休息室工作人员的效率、友善和态度而赢得了140万张注册选票中的大多数。

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