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My sister dare not stay in the dark room by herself.

My sister and I strolled through the streets after supper. 晚饭后,我妹妹和我在街上散步。
My sister and I take one more look and race back to bed. 我和姐姐又看了一眼,便又飞快地钻进了被窝。
My sister and I were in the studio of Oriental Pearl Television Station in Shanghai in1999. 1999年元旦,小妹和我在上海东方明珠内东方电视台演播大厅。
My sister answered the telephone. 我妹妹接的电话。
My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer. 我妹妹能像舞者一样踮着脚尖旋转。
My sister dare not stay in the dark room by herself. 我的妹妹不敢一个人待在黑乎乎的房间里。
My sister eats natural foods every day, but I don't. 我妹妹每天都吃天然食品,但是我不吃。
My sister gave a shriek of delight. 我妹妹高兴地尖叫起来。
My sister goes to a beauty parlor once a week. 我妹妹每周去一次美容院。
My sister goes to a beauty parlour once a week. 我妹妹每周去一次美容院。
My sister got up earlier than I did. 我妹妹比我起得早。

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