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Insolence; audacity; gall.

Insofar as the idea and practice of democracy are justified by the values of freedom, human development, and the protection and advancement of shared human interests, the idea and practice of democracy also presuppose three kinds of equality: the intrinsi 鉴于民主的思想与实践因自由的价值、人的发展和人的共同利益而具有了合法性,民主的思想与实践也预设了三种平等:所有人在道德上的根本平等;成年人有权自主决定什么对自己是最好的;以及由此推出的公民的平等权,因为这是由民主进程的标准规定的。
Insofar as the latter are not handed over to the third party, they must be destroyed. 如复印件和打印件没有转给第三方,应将其销毁?
Insofar as the unwritten law of war and the Hague Regulations extend certain fundamental safeguards to the persons and property of the populations of occupied territory, their protection continues until the termination of any occupation having its origin 在战争的不成文法与海牙公约之附属规则对个人与占领区财产的基本保证条款範围内,其保护持续有效至最高军事占领者宣告终止占领为止,但日内瓦有关保护平民公约得停止适用。
Insofar as you are in difficulties, it is because you forget nature; for you create for yourself unlimited fears and desires. 你之所以困难重重,乃因为忘却天性;是你为自己设置了无穷的恐惧与欲望。
Insolation and climate changes also affect uptake and release of carbon dioxide and methane by plants, soil and the ocean. 植物、土壤和海洋对于二氧化碳和甲烷的吸收与释放,也受到日照与气候变迁影响。
Insolence; audacity; gall. 无礼;放肆;厚颜无耻
Insolvent An individual or company unable to repay their outstanding debts. 破产的个人或公司不能支付他们未偿还的债务。
Insomnia can be cured by massage and the cure rate is very high. 按摩可治失眠症,且治愈率很高。
Insomnia is more than just being unable to fall asleep. 失眠并不仅仅是无法入睡。
Insomnia seriously influences people's daily life. 失眠严重的影响着人们的正常工作与生活。
Insomniac(1) bears are roaming the forests of southwestern Siberia scaring local people as the weather stays too warm for the animals to fall into their usual winter slumber(2). 由于天气过暖,动物们都无法进入正常冬眠,西伯利亚西南树林中的人们经常被四处游荡的失眠狗熊们吓到。

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