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I wonder wether there trees which makes us shade and protects us from shine upon should take a proper mesures to deal with.

I wonder mightily how this little event came to pass? 我强烈地想知道这个小事件是如何的发生?
I wonder sometimes politically, I'm thinking about the U.S. primarily here, if this technology has allowed groups that were before vehemently opposed to any type of carbon policy or regulation to at least think about coming to the table. 我怀疑假如这个技术允许那些过去激烈反对管制二氧化碳排放的组织开始考虑进入谈判桌的话,政治会对这个技术的推广会有影响,我所思考的主要是美国。
I wonder that a person like him should make such a blunder. 我对像他这种人用得著犯下这样的错感到好奇。
I wonder that he didn't hurt himself jumping over that wall. 我纳闷他怎么从那墙上跳过去竟没摔伤自己。
I wonder the investing environment in your country. 我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。
I wonder wether there trees which makes us shade and protects us from shine upon should take a proper mesures to deal with. 我想知道是否应该采取一些适当的措施来处理这些树,这些树能使我们阴凉,使我们避免太阳的暴晒.
I wonder what I'll dream about on New Year's Day. 不知道新年我会做什么样的梦.
I wonder what happened to it . 不知道这鸟出了什么事。
I wonder what has set up this rash on my face? 我不知道是什么东西使我的脸部出疹?
I wonder what he thinks of me? 我想知道此刻他眼中的我是怎样的?
I wonder what really happened. 我想知道究竟发生什么事了。

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