The Ford Company has agencies all over the country.
【福特公司在全国都有经销处。】 |
The Ford Family motto is: Chop your own (fire)wood; it will warm you twice.
译文:汽车大王福特家族的格言是:自己伐木得来的柴火加倍温暖。 |
The Ford Motor Company has been looking for partners to help distribute its automobiles there, and Boeing has entered into a partnership with Afghanistan's national airline.
与会者去美国爱荷华州,在其农业区讨论农业合作的协议,接下来他们将前往洛杉矶,商讨无线电通讯和信息技术的合作关系,随后他们将转往纽约访问各金融机构和各保险部门。 |
The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants.
福特汽车公司是第一个在工厂发展为培训特殊的熟练工人的技术学校和为移民的英语语言学校。 |
The Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Corvette have managed to retain their essential characters over decades.
福特的野马和雪弗兰的轻巡洋舰在过去的几十年里长期保持着独特的风格。 |
The Ford Mustang was a smash hit in the American car market.
福特野马曾经是美国市场上最畅销的车型。 |
The Ford determination had won once more!
福特的决心又打赢了一仗。 |
The Forecast of Economic Benefit: The Annual business income is 200 million Yuan RMB, annual operation profit is 75 million Yuan RMB. The investment capital can be recovered in 11 years.
经济效益预测:年经营收入2亿元人民币,年经营利润7500万元人民币,投资回收期11年。 |
The Forecast of Economic Benefit: The Annual business income is 22.3 million Yuan RMB, annual operation profit is 4.9 million Yuan RMB, the recovery investment rate is 22% and the investment capital can be recovered in 4.5 years.
经济效益预测:年经营收入2230万元人民币,年利润490万元人民币,投资利润率22%,投资回收期4.5年。 |
The Forecast of Economic Benefit: The Annual business income is 850 million Yuan RMB, annual operation profit is 210 million Yuan RMB, the investment capital can be recovered in 6 to 7 years.
经济效益预测:年经营收入8.5亿元人民币,年经营利润2.1亿元人民币,投资回收期6—7年。 |
The Forecast of Economic Benefit: The annual business income is 104 million Yuan and the annual profit is 19.72 million Yuan after technological transformation.
经济效益预测:技改后年经营收入1.04亿元人民币,年利润1972万元人民币。 |