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The Roosevelt family produced two presents: Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt.

The Romans, who ruled Israel, had their own gods. 统治以色列的罗马人有其自己的异神。
The Romantics not only extol the faculty of imagination, but also elevate the concepts of spontaneity and inspiration, regarding them as something crucial for true poetry. 浪漫主义者不仅推崇想象,还强调灵感与创作的自发性,认为有这两种才智才能创造出真正的诗歌。
The Rome Conference and the adoption of the International Criminal Court Statute were truly significant events in the development of international criminal law. 摘要一九九八年在罗马外交大会中通过的《国际刑事法院规约》对国际刑事法的发展,具有重大的意义。
The Rome outfit played an astute game against Marseille in their opener, letting the French team make the running before hitting them on the counter attack. 这支罗马的球队在第一场与马赛的比赛中打的非常聪明,让法国的球队在场上疲于奔命,随后给予了对手关键一击.
The Romeo and Juliet-like love story had Cheung in the lead, supported by Taiwanese singer Evvone Tsu and Hong Kong actress/singer Nnadia Chan. 这个罗密欧和朱莉叶般的爱情故事由张学友主演导,台湾歌手许慧欣和香港演员/歌手陈松伶配合。
The Roosevelt family produced two presents: Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt. 罗斯福家族出过两个总统:西奥多#8226;罗斯福和弗兰克林#8226;罗斯福.
The Rooster is known to be a very trustworthy person. 属鸡的人是非常值得信赖的人。
The Roper poll conducted the survey on behalf of National Geographic and found that most of the young adults questioned between the ages of 18 and 24 also had little knowledge about their own country, with half or fewer unable to identify the states of Ne 洛普民意研究中心代表美国国家地理协会做了此项调查,调查发现:年龄在18岁至24岁间的多数受访青年对本国的地理知识了解得也很少,其中近一半人无法在地图上指出纽约州或俄亥俄州的具体位置。
The Rosicrucian manifesto created quite a stir in European circles. 蔷薇十字会的宣言对欧洲造成相当大的震动。
The Rossoneri are now just six points off the fourth and final Champions League spot, which is currently held by Catania who have a game in hand. 红黑军团现在落后第四仅6分而且现在卡坦尼亚还有一场比赛没打,最后的积分还在他们的控制中。
The Rossoneri are still on cloud nine following their UEFA Champions League final win over Liverpool, but club president Berlusconi is already making plans for next term. 红黑军团在战胜利物浦后兴奋的第七次捧起了冠军杯,但是俱乐部主席贝鲁斯科尼已经开始在规划下个赛季了!

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