In the coming movie, the plot revolves around Homer, who accidentally pollutes the river with toxic waste from the nuclear power plant.
在即将上映的电影中,故事围绕荷马展开,他无意间用核电站的有毒废料污染了河流。 |
In the coming weeks the court will announce its decision on a pair of cases that it heard in December, involving the Jefferson County school district and another in Seattle.
最高法院去年12月审理了涉及杰佛森郡学区和西雅图另一个学区的两个案子,他们将在未来几周内宣布结果。 |
In the coming year, I will be encouraging each one of you to do your part and share Rotary with other business and professional leaders in your community.
在未来一年,我将鼓励你们每一个人尽一己之责,在你们的社区和其他事业及专业领导人分享扶轮。 |
In the coming year, I would like to help to develop the vision of Senior pastor and elder board into a more balanced and healthy direction, so the EFCLA will be able to accomplish God's given mission for EFCLA.
期望将来配合牧师及小会的异象,在教会迈入新转型期间朝平衡及稳健的方向发展,完成神所托付给台福教会之使命。 |
In the coming year, the new curriculum for the Faculty of Medicine, at the National Yang-Ming University and the project entitled General Medicine Education for Undergraduate Medical Studentshas heralded the need for the extension of the training period f
本课程开办之初虽因埸地不足而显得克难,但因大部分老师们的用心投入,加上学员们提供正面积极的意见,使课程的软硬体逐步地改善而令本课程保持颇高的满意度。 |
In the coming years the world will need all the malaria weapons it can muster.
未来几年,全世界将会需要所有可能的武器以对抗疟疾。 |
In the coming years, land will become more and more expensive, and therefore less attainable.
将来,土地会变得越来越贵,并因此越来越难以得到。 |
In the coming years, large-screen televisions and computer monitors could roll up for storage.
不远的将来,大尺寸电视以及电脑萤幕将可以卷起来存放。 |
In the commencement of life,we set no bounds to our inclinations.
在这生活的开端,我们听任自己的爱好不受束缚. |
In the commercial world the media is money.
商品领域的媒介是金钱。 |
In the common stock of knowledge there are standards of role performance that accessible to all members of a society,or at least to those who are potential performers of the roles in question.
在知识的共同仓储中,有一整套所有人皆可得的角色标准,或者至少对于一些潜在的表演者来说是可得的。 |