One journalist, an Italian, walked over and just calmly stood in front of the wretched men, implying that if the soldiers shot them, they would have to shoot him too. |
中文意思: 一位意大利记者,走过去镇定地挡在了那群可怜无助的人身前,意思是说,士兵们要杀他们的话,得先把他杀了。 |
One is with Brussels, Belgium. Another is with Lagos, Nigeria.
一是在比利时布鲁塞尔.另一是尼日利亚拉各斯。 |
One is, how does the mother's body keep count of how many sons she has conceived?
第一个问题是,母体如何数怀孕过男孩的数目? |
One is: The Great Wall of China is the only man-made object visible from space with the naked eye.
其中之一是:“在太空中肉眼唯一能看到的人造物是中国的长城。” |
One issue does deserve special mention.
一个问题值得引起特别注意。 |
One item that men were determined to keep for themselves was the house - 32% wanted it to keep it outright , compared with 30% who were happy to wholly hand it over to their ex-wife.
而男性最想要的一样东西就是房子,在接受调查的男性中,有32%希望房子完全属于自己,而愿意将整座房子都拱手让出的男性只占30%。 |
One journalist, an Italian, walked over and just calmly stood in front of the wretched men, implying that if the soldiers shot them, they would have to shoot him too.
一位意大利记者,走过去镇定地挡在了那群可怜无助的人身前,意思是说,士兵们要杀他们的话,得先把他杀了。 |
One key change is to the front suspension geometry, aimed at improving the way the car works with its Bridgestone tyres (the team struggled to get them up to working temperature earlier in the season).
这辆赛车和赛季初亮相的赛车比起来,在机械和空气动力两项上都做了深入的修改。 |
One key concept that software testers need to learn is how to reduce the huge domain of possible tests into a manageable set, and how to make wise risk-based decisions on what's important to test and what's not.
软件测试人员需要知道的一个关键概念就是,怎样将庞大的测试域精简成可管理的测试集合,以及怎样根据,哪些重要需要被测试,那些不重要可以不测试,来建立起良好的风险决策。 |
One key issue is when to do NFT?
一个关键的问题是何时进行非功能性测试。 |
One key problem, says Dr. Zhang, is that the government has so far followed planned economy, top-down thinkingto promote innovation. This has its limits,he adds.
张钢博士认为,中国政府至今仍秉承着计划经济时代自上而下的思维模式来推动创新,这种思维模式存在一定的局限性。 |
One key reason was that scientists were still learning about how HIV is transmitted through blood.
其中的一个重要原因是血液传播,科学家一直在研究这是如何进行的。 |