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Al: Your cooking is always superb but this time you've excelled yourself.

Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden calls on Pakistanis to oust President Musharraf, in a new audio tape. 在一卷新的声音录音带中,伊斯兰盖达组织领袖奥塞玛?宾拉登要求巴基斯坦人逐出穆沙拉夫总统。
Al-Qaida in Iraq claims that four Iraqis, including a husband and wife team, carried out the triple suicide bombings Wednesday in the Jordanian capital, Amman, that killed 57 people. 伊拉克基地组织声称,包括一对夫妻在内的4名伊拉克人星期三在约旦首都安曼制造了3起炸弹爆炸,爆炸使57人丧生。
Al-Sadr castigated Bush for keeping troops in Iraq and compared the occupation to the regime of the destructor,Saddam Hussein. 一名跟萨德尔有联盟关系的伊拉克议员在星期六与激进的什叶派宣读了一封严厉的公开信.
Al: Did you ever really consider yourself or envision yourself in another uniform during any of this process? 阿尔:整个过程当中,你有没有认真考虑过自己改穿其他队服的可能性?
Al: Don't be so suspicious, I really meant it. 艾尔:别那麽多疑。我是言出由衷的。
Al: Your cooking is always superb but this time you've excelled yourself. 艾尔:你煮的东西,总是十分好吃,而这一次更胜过平时。
AlSO,a famous shopping mall is connected with the Harbour City. 再者,它有一个著名商场连接海港城.
Alabama University Law Library--- 亚拉巴马大学法学院图书馆.
Alabaster Table Lamp or Ceramic Base Table Lamp(Overall lamp height 12”-16”). 花石膏底座台灯(整灯高度12”-16”);或者陶瓷底座台灯。
Alack, alack, what blood is this, which stains the stony entrance of this sepulchre? What mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour'd by this place of peace? 嗳哟!嗳哟!这坟墓的石门上染着些什么血迹?在这安静的地方,怎么横放着这两柄无主的血污的刀剑?
Aladdin went down the hole and took the lamp. 阿拉丁下了洞,拿到了灯。

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