Homework to present : Each person has 2 minutes to initially describe (non-binding spur of the moment thoughts) what message they would like to convey in a tile that is personally of interest to them.
作业报告:每人有两分钟的时间介绍(即兴表达,无约束力)自己初步想要在花砖上表达什麽自己感兴趣的资讯。 |
Homework to present: Teams present final, full-scale layout of the tiles, completed as a solid model, with several different color and illumination schemes.
布置作业:根据情况改进设计,并开始构件的具体设计和水刀路径的规划。制作本学期剩馀时间的详细的时间表,包括每个成员要做什麽,以及每星期要完成的工作。更新网页。 |
Homework to present: Teams show the results of their design process (individual, PREP, brainstorm sessions) and how it yielded a design concept for their tiles.
作业报告:小组提交各自的设计流程的结果(个人思考,互相评比程序,脑力激盪),说明他们的花砖的设计概念是怎样产生的。 |
Homework to start: Create concepts for tile designs.
布置作业:花砖设计的概念生成。 |
Homework to start: Create initial team website.
布置作业:创建小组最初的网页。 |
Homework to start: Creation of cards, press materials etc for the exhibition. Apply design process to identify large-scale social problem.
布置作业:为展览制作卡片,宣传材料等。将设计过程应用到识别大尺度的社会问题中。 |
Homework to start: Final, full-scale layout of the tiles, completed as a solid model.
布置作业:完成花砖最终全尺寸的布置的实体模型。 |
Homework to start: Finalize the design of the support structure and any accompanying frame members. Update website.
布置作业:完成支撑结构的最终设计以及其附属框架。更新网页。 |
Homework will be assigned every week.
每星期都会指派作业。 |
Homework will be graded out of 3 points, as described in the syllabus. The grader will fully grade some exercises, and briefly scan others.
每份家庭作业将以总分3分的标准来评分,如教学大纲所描述。评分者将彻底评分部分习题,并且简要地审视其他部分。 |
Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside.
作业,我爱你。你使我心中荡起涟漪。 |