1 Solder iron temperature of every tools used is well checked by shift/ by hourly basis and recorded properly, showing the specified limits and actual values.
每个工具(烙铁)均以每班/小时为基准的方式进行有效检测及记录,并显示其规限和实际数值. |
1 Some of the gases stored in cylinders could be dangerous if they leak out.
贮于气瓶的一些气体泄漏是很危险的。 |
1 Special materials identified for particular storage condition/shelf life requirements.
特殊物料有特殊的储存环境. |
1 Specialty Sections will be created to allow members to establish an affiliation with a group of professionals who share common interests and ideas.
1为方便具有共同兴趣和思想的专业会员之间建立联系,需要对会员进行专业分组。 |
1 Stand facing the direction of the sun with both feet touching. Bring the hands together, palm-to-palm, at the heart.
第一式吐气,双脚并拢直立,大拇指着力,合掌于胸前。腹部收缩、提肛,臀部加紧,肩膀放松,头要正,凝神气定,肘与肩平,双目专注指尖。 |
1 Standard fume hood is of 60 or 72 inches width.
标准的通风柜一般60或者72英寸宽度。 |
1 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee the sole and exclusive right on a perpetual basis to use the Trademarks in connection with the manufacture, promotion, distribution and sale of the Licensed Products
按照本合同的规定,许可方兹授予被许可方在约定地域内使用与获特许的产品的制造,宣传,分销和出售有关的本商标的永久的专有使用权(”许可”). |
1 Suggest three reasons why most freight traffic is consigned by road.
举三个例子说明,为什么大多数航空运输会与公路运输联运。 |
1 Sunday is set as the official weekly rest day in accordance with the customs of Germany.
按照德国的习惯,每周的星期日为法定休息日。 |
1 Tabletop made of 35” wide, 24” depth, 2.5” thick Epoxy Slab.
天平台桌面为35英寸宽、24英寸深、2.5英寸厚的环氧树脂台面。 |
1 Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
浓情烈爱与丰功伟业都蕴含着极大的风险。 |